Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook Major: Engineering, AS

Engineering, AS

G3 Eligible Program- Qualifying students may have ZERO costs for tuition, fees, and textbooks. 
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PURPOSE: This university-level two-year degree prepares students for transfer to university engineering programs, including:

  • aerospace engineering,
  • biomedical engineering,
  • chemical engineering,
  • civil engineering,
  • computer engineering,
  • electrical engineering,
  • industrial systems engineering,
  • mechanical engineering. 

Engineers with four-year degrees (or higher) typically have the lead role in engineering projects, such as new product development, engineering design work or analysis, production management, and consulting.

CREDENTIALS: An Associate of Science (AS) degree in Engineering prepares a student for transfer to a four-year engineering program. Full-time students who meet the entrance requirements can complete the degree in 2 years.  Students needing additional math preparation may require 3 full-time years.  Very advanced students may be able to complete the program in 1 year.

TRANSFER INFORMATION:  This program is aligned with the Transfer Virginia common curriculum for Engineering. Students should consult with their advisors to ensure that they select general electives that best prepare them for the specific requirements of their intended transfer college or university programs of study. More information can also be found at and by using the Transfer Virginia Portal

PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: The Engineering AS program has entrance requirements based on course prerequisites. Students must be ready for MTH 263 Calculus I and ENG 111 English Composition.  Students who are not yet ready can complete preparatory classes while in the Science major, along with taking general education classes that count for both majors.  

Please see Additional Information for Prospective Engineering Students for the Engineering Application Form and required documentation, Math Placement guidance, Engineering Preparation Pathways, and Guaranteed Transfer information. 

New students should work with their New Student Navigator to get ready for their first semester. They can also email for assistance. Because transfer requirements will vary based upon the intended transfer institution, students must meet with their faculty advisor to develop a plan and a schedule that best suit their goals.

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: By the completion of this program, students will be expected to demonstrate an intermediate level of competency in the following skills (taken from Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology ABET standards):

  1. Identify and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  2. Follow the design process from conception to prototype using established design objectives.
  3. Effectively communicate engineering information, reflecting the engineering process and adhering to guidelines for clarity, organization, and completeness.
  4. Function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  5. Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data using software, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.

Student Development and College Composition

Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes
SDV 100 - College Success Skills 1 credit
ENG 111 - College Composition I

Prerequisite(s): EDE 10, co-enrollment in EDE 11, or other placement measures.   

3 credits
ENG 112 - College Composition II

Prerequisite(s): ENG 111 or equivalent with a grade of C or better, or departmental approval.

3 credits

Engineering Foundations

Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes
EGR 121 - Foundations of Engineering

Prerequisite(s): ENG 111 readiness, MTH 162 or MTH 167 or equivalent with a grade of C or better. 

2 credits
EGR 122 - Engineering Design

Prerequisite(s): EGR 121 or departmental approval.

3 credits

Engineering Math and Science

Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes
CHM 111 - General Chemistry I

Prerequisite(s): Ready for ENG 111  (or EDE 11 + ENG 111) AND ready for MTH 161 or (MDE 61 + MTH 161).

4 credits
MTH 263 - Calculus l

Prerequisite(s): MTH 162 or MTH 167 with a grade of C or better,or other placement methods. 

4 credits
MTH 264 - Calculus ll

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MTH 263 or equivalent with a grade of C or better.

4 credits
MTH 267 - Differential Equations

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MTH 264 or equivalent with a grade of C or better.

3 credits
PHY 241 - University Physics I

Prerequisite(s): MTH 263 with a grade of C or better.

4 credits
PHY 242 - University Physics II

Prerequisite(s): PHY 241 with a grade of C or better and MTH 264 with a grade of C or better.

4 credits

Engineering Math Elective

Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes

Math Elective (choose 1): Credits / Units: 3-4 credits

MTH 265 - Calculus lll

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MTH 264: Calculus II or equivalent with a grade of C or better


4 credits
MTH 266 - Linear Algebra

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MTH 263 or equivalent with a grade of B or better or MTH 264 or equivalent with a grade of C or better.

3 credits
MTH 288 - Discrete Mathematics

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MTH 263 , Calculus l with a grade of C or better or equivalent.

3 credits


Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes

Arts (choose 1): Credits / Units: 3 credits

ART 101 - History of Art: Prehistoric to Gothic 3 credits
ART 102 - History of Art: Renaissance to Modern 3 credits
CST 151 - Film Appreciation I 3 credits
CST 130 - Introduction to the Theatre 3 credits
MUS 121 - Music in Society 3 credits
MUS 226 - World Music 3 credits


Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes

History (choose 1): Credits / Units: 3 credits

HIS 111 - World Civilization Pre-1500 CE 3 credits
HIS 112 - World Civilization Post-1500 CE 3 credits
HIS 121 - United States History to 1877 3 credits
HIS 122 - United States History Since 1865 3 credits


Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes

Humanities/Literature (choose 1): Credits / Units: 3 credits

ENG 225 - Reading Literature: Culture and Ideas

Prerequisite(s): ENG 112  or departmental approval. 

3 credits
ENG 245 - British Literature

Prerequisite(s): ENG 112  or departmental approval. 

3 credits
ENG 246 - American Literature

Prerequisite(s): ENG 112  or departmental approval.

3 credits
ENG 255 - World Literature

Prerequisite(s): ENG 112  or departmental approval. 

3 credits
ENG 258 - African American Literature

Prerequisite(s): ENG 112  or departmental approval. 

3 credits
ENG 275 - Women in Literature

Prerequisite(s): ENG 112  or departmental approval. 

3 credits
PHI 100 - Introduction to Philosophy 3 credits
PHI 111 - Logic 3 credits
PHI 220 - Ethics and Society 3 credits
REL 100 - Introduction to the Study of Religion 3 credits
REL 230 - Religions of the World 3 credits

Social/Behavioral Sciences

Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes

Social/Behavioral Sciences (choose 1): Credits / Units: 3 credits

ECO 150 - Economic Essentials: Theory and Application 3 credits
ECO 201 - Principles of Macroeconomics 3 credits
ECO 202 - Principles of Microeconomics 3 credits
GEO 210 - People and the Land: An Introduction to Cultural Geography 3 credits
GEO 220 - World Regional Geography 3 credits
PLS 135 - U.S. Government and Politics 3 credits
PLS 241 - Introduction to International Relations

Prerequisite(s): ENG 111  or departmental consent. 

3 credits
PSY 200 - Principles of Psychology

Prerequisite(s): Eligible for ENG 111.

3 credits
SOC 200 - Introduction to Sociology 3 credits
SOC 211 - Cultural Anthropology 3 credits
SOC 268 - Social Problems 3 credits

Engineering Electives

Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes

Engineering Electives Credits / Units: 15-17

EGR 125 - Introduction to Computer Programming for Engineers

Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite: MTH 162 or MTH 167 or equivalent with a grade of C or better.

Corequisite: EGR 121.

4 credits
CSC 221 - Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming

Prerequisite(s): MTH 162 

3 credits
EGR 231 - Mass and Energy Balances

Prerequisite(s): MTH 264, EGR 121, CHM 112 (grade of C or higher in these courses).

3 credits
EGR 232 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

Prerequisite(s): MTH 265, EGR 231 (Mass and Energy Balances), both with grade of C or higher.

3 credits
EGR 240 - Statics

Prerequisite(s): EGR 121, MTH 263 with a grade of C or better

Corequisite: PHY 241 

3 credits
EGR 245 - Dynamics (Offered Spring only)  

Prerequisite(s): EGR 240 with a grade of C or better, MTH 264 with a grade of C or better, PHY 241.

3 credits
EGR 246 - Mechanics of Materials

Prerequisite(s): EGR 240 with a grade of C or better,  MTH 264 with a grade of C or better.

3 credits
EGR 248 - Thermodynamics for Engineering (Offered Fall only

Prerequisite(s): EGR 121, CHM 111, MTH 264 with a grade of C or better.


3 credits
EGR 270 - Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

Prerequisite(s): EGR 121 and either EGR 125 or CSC 221.

4 credits
EGR 271 - Electric Circuits I

Prerequisite(s): EGR 121, MTH 264 with a grade of C or better.

4 credits
EGR 272 - Electric Circuits II (Offered Spring Only)

Prerequisite(s): EGR 271 with a grade of C or better, MTH 267 

4 credits
EGR 206 - Engineering Economics

Prerequisite(s): MTH 263. 

3 credits
CHM 112 - General Chemistry II

Prerequisite(s): CHM 111 with a grade of C or better. 

4 credits
CHM 241 - Organic Chemistry I

Prerequisite(s): CHM 112 with grade of C or better.

3 credits
CHM 242 - Organic Chemistry II

Prerequisite(s): CHM 241 with grade of C or better.

3 credits
CHM 245 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory: I

Prerequisite(s): CHM 112 with a grade of C or better.

Co-requisite: CHM 241.

2 credits
CHM 246 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory II

Prerequisite(s): CHM 245 with a grade of C or better. 

Co-requisite: CHM 242.

2 credits
CSC 222 - Object-Oriented Programming

Prerequisite(s): CSC 221 or equivalent, or departmental consent.

4 credits
CSC 223 - Data Structures and Analysis of Algorithms

Prerequisite(s): CSC 222 or departmental consent. Corequisite: CSC 208 or equivalent.

4 credits
CSC 205 - Computer Organization

Prerequisite(s): CSC 221  

3 credits
CSC 208 - Introduction to Discrete Structures 3 credits
MTH 265 - Calculus lll

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MTH 264: Calculus II or equivalent with a grade of C or better


4 credits
MTH 266 - Linear Algebra

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MTH 263 or equivalent with a grade of B or better or MTH 264 or equivalent with a grade of C or better.

3 credits
MTH 288 - Discrete Mathematics

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MTH 263 , Calculus l with a grade of C or better or equivalent.

3 credits

Total Credits For Program: 65-68


Pre-requisite and co-requisite requirements can be found in course details.

Students are strongly encouraged to complete their ENG, MTH, and SDV requirements first.

As student may take one ENG Literature class and one REL/PHI class in place of one Arts and one Humanities/Literature class. Please see your faculty advisor for a waiver. 

Students should regularly meet with their faculty advisor and check their degree progress by accessing advisement reports in the Student Information System (SIS) in the myBrightpoint portal or the Academic Planner in Navigate.

Please see an Advisor (Faculty or Advising Center) early for advice about math placement and its impact on your plan of study.

Please see your Engineering Faculty Advisor early to identify which upper level MTH and EGR courses are most applicable to your intended university major and to create a plan of study that accounts for prerequisites, preferred course order, and class offerings. A minimum of two EGR or CSC courses are required to complete the EGR Electives requirement.  EGR course offerings are limited in the summer. Some courses may be taken out of numerical sequence - please refer to lists of prerequisites. A minimum grade of C is required for transfer credit. A minimum grade of C is required for most prerequisite classes. MTH 265, MTH 266, and MTH 288 can count toward the Math Elective requirement or the EGR Elective requirement but not both. Student will be awarded credit for CSC 221 or EGR 125, but not both. EGR 125 can count as the prerequisite for CSC 222, with EGR Department permission only. Some discontinued courses can count as prerequisites for current courses - EGR 126 for EGR 270, EGR 251 for EGR 272, EGR 120 for all 200 level EGR classes, and EGR 140 for EGR 245 and EGR 246.  Additional courses may count for Engineering Elective credit for certain majors and university programs, including MTH 245, BIO 101, BIO 206, and GOL 105 - these courses require a waiver. Some university programs require ENG 113, and not ENG 112.  Please see your Engineering Faculty Advisor each semester to maintain or revise your plan. 

Foreign Language: Students who did not complete foreign language in high school and need it for their university program (not common) should speak with their Engineering Faculty Advisor. 
