Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook Major: Health Sciences, AS

Health Sciences, AS

PURPOSE: This two-year degree prepares students to transfer to a four-year college and major in a health sciences program. Examples include nursing, dental hygiene, exercise science, and radiation science. This degree is not intended for students who are interested in attending medical or dental school.

CREDENTIALS:  An Associate of Science (AS) degree is a major related to an area such as business administration, engineering, science, and social sciences that takes 2 years for full time students to complete. Students receiving an AS degree intend to transfer to four-year colleges.

TRANSFER INFORMATION:  This program is designed for transfer. Students should consult with their advisors to ensure that they select general electives that best prepare them for the specific requirements of their intended transfer college or university programs of study. More information can also be found at

PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS: SStudents must meet Brightpoint admission requirements. New students should work with their New Student Navigator to get ready for their first semester. They can also email for assistance. Students planning to complete a BSN or BS in a health science field should meet with their faculty advisor to decide on the courses that best match the requirements of their intended transfer institution.

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: By the completion of this program, students will be expected to demonstrate an intermediate level of competency in the following skills:

  1. Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of introductory concepts related to human anatomy and physiology.
  2. Explain the general characteristics of microorganisms and their relationships to individual and community health.
  3. Evaluate and communicate the relationship among nutrition, human development, and lifestyle on disease prevention.
  4. Interpret medical terms and abbreviations.
  5. Apply quantitative skills relevant to future practitioners in health science careers.

Required Courses

Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes
SDV 100 - College Success Skills 1 credit
ENG 111 - College Composition I

Prerequisite(s): EDE 10, co-enrollment in EDE 11, or other placement measures.   

3 credits

Math Elective (choose 1):

MTH 154 - Quantitative Reasoning Additional Course Options: MTH 161. 

Prerequisite(s): MDE 10, co-enrollment in MDE 54, or other placement methods.

3 credits

Science Elective (choose 1):

BIO 101 - General Biology I Additional Course Options: CHM 101, CHM 111, PHY 100.  4 credits
PSY 230 - Developmental Psychology 3 credits
BIO 141 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4 credits
ENG 112 - College Composition II

Prerequisite(s): ENG 111 or equivalent with a grade of C or better, or departmental approval.

3 credits

Math Elective (choose 1):

MTH 245 - Statistics l Additional Course Options: MTH 162.

Prerequisite(s): MTH 154  or MTH 161 or equivalent with a grade of C or better or other placement methods. 

3 credits

Science Elective (choose 1):

CHM 101 - Introductory Chemistry Additional Course Options: CHM 112, BIO 101, BIO 102, CHM 111, PHY 100. 

Prerequisite(s): Ready for MTH 154 (or MDE 54 + MTH 154).

4 credits
BIO 142 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Prerequisite(s): Completion of BIO 141 with a grade of C or better.

4 credits

CST 100/Foreign Language/ITE 152 (choose 1):

CST 100 - Principles of Public Speaking Approved Course Options: SPA 101, FRE 101, ITE 152.  3 credits

Health Elective (choose 1):

HLT 143 - Medical Terminology I Additional Course Options: HLT 110 , Approved NSG course - meet with advisor 3 credits

PHI Elective (choose 1):

PHI 100 - Introduction to Philosophy Additional Course Option: PHI 220.  3 credits
PSY 200 - Principles of Psychology

Prerequisite(s): Eligible for ENG 111.

3 credits

History Elective (choose 1):

HIS 111 - World Civilization Pre-1500 CE Additional Course Options: HIS 112, HIS 121, HIS 122.  3 credits
HLT 230 - Principles of Nutrition 3 credits

Science Elective (choose 1):

BIO 150 - Microbiology for Health Sciences Additional Course Options: PHY 100, PHY 201, CHM 111, (CHM 241 + CHM 245 5 credits)

Prerequisite(s): Completion of BIO 101 with a C or better or completion of BIO 141 with a C or better.

4 credits

Literature Elective/Foreign Language (choose 1):

ENG 246 - American Literature  Additional Course Options: ENG 245, ENG 255, FRE 102, SPA 102.   

Prerequisite(s): ENG 112  or departmental approval.

3 credits
SOC 200 - Introduction to Sociology 3 credits

Total Minimum Credits to Complete: 60-61


Pre-requisite and co-requisite requirements can be found in course details.

Students are strongly encouraged to complete their ENG, MTH, and SDV requirements first.

Students should regularly meet with their faculty advisor and check their degree progress by accessing advisement reports in the Student Information System (SIS) in the myBrightpoint portal or the Academic Planner in Navigate.Students are reminded to consult with their transfer institution and faculty advisor about the varying science requirements of BSN and other health science programs.

Students applying for the Brightpoint Nursing Program may elect to take MTH 155 Statistical Reasoning as the math required for admission to the Brightpoint Nursing Program (starting Spring 2019).

Students are eligible to apply to the nursing program while enrolled in or after completion of the prerequisite courses: SDV 101/100, ENG 111, MTH 154 or MTH 155 or MTH 161 or MTH 245, PSY 230, and BIO 141 (within 10 years prior to acceptance into the Nursing Program).

Transfer credit cannot be awarded for courses over 10 years old in Natural or Physical Sciences (BIO 141, BIO 142, BIO 150) for students in the Nursing Program.

Students should consult with their transfer institutions on the CST or HIS requirement. Some institutions may require a HIS elective. Students can choose CST 100 or from one of the listed HIS electives.
