Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook Major: Human Services, Pre-Social Work Specialization, AAS

Human Services, Pre-Social Work Specialization, AAS


G3 Eligible Program- Qualifying students may have ZERO costs for tuition, fees, and textbooks. 
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PURPOSE: This two-year degree prepares students for jobs in human services. Graduates will be prepared to work in the fields of mental health and social services.   This specialization is intended for students who plan to pursue a bachelor’s degree in social work.

CREDENTIALS:  An Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree is a major in a career-technical area that takes two years for full-time students to complete.  Although the purpose of an AAS degree is to gain skills for employment, some transfer institutions may accept some or all of the courses from an AAS major.

TRANSFER INFORMATION:  This program is designed for transfer. Students should consult with their advisors to ensure that they select general electives that best prepare them for the specific requirements of their intended transfer college or university programs of study.  More information can also be found at

PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Students must meet Brightpoint admission requirements. New students should work with their New Student Navigator to get ready for their first semester. They can also email for assistance. Continuing students should work with their faculty advisor on academic planning and graduation requirements.

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: By the completion of this program, students will be expected to demonstrate an intermediate level of competency in the following skills:

  1. Exhibit knowledge of human services theory, vocabulary, and skills needed in the field.
  2. Identify the purpose of human services and its ongoing role in working with individuals, families, groups, communities and society.
  3. Integrate human services theory and skills into practice.
  4. Demonstrate the skills needed to function as a human services professional. These include communication and listening skills, problem-solving, goal-setting, and implementation of strategies and evaluation techniques to interact with a variety of clients.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to work in a multicultural context and identify the importance of diversity in human service practice.
  6. Recognize the importance of social justice and how systemic and structural oppression impacts individuals, families, and communities.
  7. Identify oneself as a tool in empowering individuals, families, and communities and recognize the importance of self awareness within the human service profession
  8. Define the NASW Code of Ethics values and recognize their importance in social work practice.

Required Courses

Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes
SDV 100 - College Success Skills 1 credit
ENG 111 - College Composition I

Prerequisite(s): EDE 10, co-enrollment in EDE 11, or other placement measures.   

3 credits
MTH 154 - Quantitative Reasoning

Prerequisite(s): MDE 10, co-enrollment in MDE 54, or other placement methods.

3 credits
HMS 100 - Introduction to Human Services 3 credits
HMS 251 - Substance Abuse I 3 credits
PSY 200 - Principles of Psychology

Prerequisite(s): Eligible for ENG 111.

3 credits
ENG 112 - College Composition II

Prerequisite(s): ENG 111 or equivalent with a grade of C or better, or departmental approval.

3 credits
BIO 101 - General Biology I 4 credits
MEN 101 - Mental Health Skill Training I 3 credits
PSY 230 - Developmental Psychology 3 credits
MEN 102 - Mental Health Skill Training II

Prerequisite(s): HMS 100, MEN 101.

3 credits
PHI 220 - Ethics and Society 3 credits
SOC 200 - Introduction to Sociology 3 credits
SOC 211 - Cultural Anthropology 3 credits


Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes

History (choose 1): Credits / Units: 3 credits

HIS 111 - World Civilization Pre-1500 CE 3 credits
HIS 112 - World Civilization Post-1500 CE 3 credits
HIS 121 - United States History to 1877 3 credits
HIS 122 - United States History Since 1865 3 credits

Advanced Mathematics or Science Elective

Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes

Choose 1: Credits / Units: 3-4

BIO 102 - General Biology II - VCU transfer option

Prerequisite(s): BIO 101.

4 credits
MTH 245 - Statistics l - VSU transfer option

Prerequisite(s): MTH 154  or MTH 161 or equivalent with a grade of C or better or other placement methods. 

3 credits

Communications Elective

Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes

Choose 1: Credits / Units: 3

ENG 210 - Advanced Composition - VCU transfer option

Prerequisite(s): ENG 112 or divisional approval.

3 credits
CST 100 - Principles of Public Speaking - VSU transfer option 3 credits

Humanities Elective

Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes

Choose 1: Credits / Units: 3

Course options for VCU or VSU:

ENG 246 - American Literature

Prerequisite(s): ENG 112  or departmental approval.

3 credits
ENG 255 - World Literature

Prerequisite(s): ENG 112  or departmental approval. 

3 credits
ENG 245 - British Literature

Prerequisite(s): ENG 112  or departmental approval. 

3 credits

Course options for VCU only:

REL 230 - Religions of the World 3 credits
PHI 111 - Logic 3 credits
PHI 100 - Introduction to Philosophy 3 credits

Foreign Language/Global Studies Elective

Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes

Choose 1: Credits / Units: 3-4

Course options for VCU or VSU:

SPA 101 - Beginning Spanish I 4 credits
FRE 101 - Beginning French I 4 credits
SPA 102 - Beginning Spanish II

Prerequisite(s): SPA 101 1 or two years of successful completion of high school Spanish, or demonstrated experiential learning, or by placement test, or equivalent.

4 credits
FRE 102 - Beginning French II

Prerequisite(s): FRE 101  or two years of successful completion of high school French, or demonstrated experiential learning, or by placement test, or equivalent.

4 credits

Course options for VSU only:

GEO 220 - World Regional Geography 3 credits
HIS 111 - World Civilization Pre-1500 CE 3 credits
HIS 112 - World Civilization Post-1500 CE 3 credits
ENG 255 - World Literature

Prerequisite(s): ENG 112  or departmental approval. 

3 credits
PLS 241 - Introduction to International Relations

Prerequisite(s): ENG 111  or departmental consent. 

3 credits
REL 230 - Religions of the World 3 credits

Capstone Course Requirements

Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes
MEN 290 - Coordinated Internship

Prerequisite(s): MEN 102. 

4 credits

Total Minimum Credits to Complete: 60


Pre-requisite and co-requisite requirements can be found in course details.

Students are strongly encouraged to complete their ENG, MTH, and SDV requirements first.

It is strongly recommended that students complete all developmental coursework in English before enrolling in HMS 100.

Students should regularly meet with their faculty advisor and check their degree progress by accessing advisement reports in the Student Information System (SIS) in the myBrightpoint portal or the Academic Planner in Navigate.

Students who plan to transfer to VCU or VSU must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better to transfer to their respective BSW programs. Students must also maintain a grade of “B” or better in the following courses:  HMS 100, MEN 101, MEN 102, MEN 290.  

In MEN 290 students will complete 100 hours of practical hands-on training. Please read the Internship Requirements & Expectations in full. Students will secure their own internship sites prior to the start of their MEN 290 class. All internships must be approved by the Human Services and Mental Health Program Chair.

Students may be subjected to criminal background, sex offender registry checks, TB screenings and/or other tests/checks as a condition of their placement in an internship site. Students will be expected to cover any costs incurred for these procedures.

Students with a criminal record should contact the Program Head to discuss their practicum placement for MEN 290 prior to the start of those courses. A criminal record can decrease internship possibilities and may add additional barriers to finding a placement, however, there are opportunities out there for students with criminal records.

Additional Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Transfer Requirements:

Students who plan to transfer to VCU School of Social Work will require one of the following Humanities courses:   Religion (REL 230), ENG 246, ENG 255, or PHI 100.  

Students who plan to transfer to VCU School of Social Work must take ENG 210 Advanced Composition.

Students who plan to transfer to VCU School of Social work must take a foreign language. VCU does not accept Language course CLEP.  Students should consult with their faculty advisors about appropriate language courses. Sign Language is an acceptable elective for VCU. 

Additional Virginia State University (VSU) Transfer Requirements:

Students planning to transfer to the VSU Department of Social Work must take CST 100  Principles of Public Speaking.

Students planning to transfer to VSU must take an English Literature course.

Students who plan to transfer to VSU Department of Social Work may take a global studies course in place of a foreign language.  Global Studies course options: HIS 111, HIS 112 , ENG 255, PLS 241 , REL 230, GEO 220.

Students planning to transfer to VSU must complete a 3 credit, SOWK 260:  History of Social Welfare (1600 to the present) course as a prerequisite to admission into the Department of Social Work at VSU.






