Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook Major: Theatre, Technical Theatre Major AFA

Theatre, Technical Theatre Major AFA

PURPOSE: This two-year degree prepares students to transfer to a four-year college and major in theatre, with a technical theatre concentration. This degree is offered at the Midlothian Campus.

CREDENTIALS:  An Associate of Fine Arts (AFA) degree is a major in an area such as theatre, music, or visual arts that takes two years for full-time students to complete. The AFA degree is for students who plan to transfer to four-year colleges.

TRANSFER INFORMATION: This program is designed for transfer. Students should consult with their advisors to ensure that they select electives that best prepare them for the specific requirements of their intended transfer college or university programs of study. More information can also be found at

PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS:  Students must meet Brightpoint admission requirements. Students must meet Brightpoint admission requirements. New students should work with their New Student Navigator to get ready for their first semester. They can also email for assistance. Because transfer requirements will vary based upon the intended transfer institution, students must meet with their faculty advisor to develop a schedule that best suits their goals.

PROGRAM OUTCOMES:  By the completion of this program, students will be expected to demonstrate an introductory level of competency in the following skills: 

1. Read, analyze and evaluate scripts from a technical perspective and demonstrate the skills to create design concepts for a production.  

2. Show competency in theatrical makeup. 

3. Demonstrate knowledge of theatre history in the context of current professional practice. 

4. Communicate ideas, concepts, and requirements related to the student’s professional practice to theatre professionals and laypersons. 

5. Gauge measurements of linear perspective and proportion, in relation to drawing.


Required Courses

Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes
SDV 100 - College Success Skills 1 credit
ENG 111 - College Composition I

Prerequisite(s): EDE 10, co-enrollment in EDE 11, or other placement measures.   

3 credits
MTH 154 - Quantitative Reasoning Additional Course Options: MTH 161, MTH 263 

Prerequisite(s): MDE 10, co-enrollment in MDE 54, or other placement methods.

3 credits
CST 131 - Acting I 3 credits
CST 145 - Technical Theatre 3 credits
CST 149 - Introduction to Theatrical Makeup 3 credits
ENG 112 - College Composition II

Prerequisite(s): ENG 111 or equivalent with a grade of C or better, or departmental approval.

3 credits
CST 210 - Dramatic Literature Additional Course Option: CST 130.   3 credits
ART 121 - Foundations of Drawing 3 credits
CST 147 - Costume Construction 3 credits

Theatre/Musical Workshop   1 credit

  • CST 136 Theatre/Musical Workshop is to be taken three times for a total of 3 credits. See notes below for more information. 

Technical Track Elective (choose one from the appropriate Track listed below):

Laboratory Science Elective

ENV 121 - General Environmental Science I Additional Course Options: BIO 101, BIO 106, CHM 101, PHY 100  4 credits
CST 245 - Basic Lighting 3 credits

Literature Elective (choose 1):   3 credits

ENG 225 - Reading Literature: Culture and Ideas Additional Course Options: ENG 245, ENG 246, ENG 255, ENG 258, ENG 275 

Prerequisite(s): ENG 112  or departmental approval. 

3 credits
ART 131 - Two-Dimensional Design 3 credits

Theatre/Musical Workshop   1 credit

  • CST 136 Theatre/Musical Workshop is to be taken three times for a total of 3 credits. See notes below for more information. 

Social Science Elective (choose 1):   3 credits

PSY 200 - Principles of Psychology Additional Course Options: SOC 200, HIS 111, HIS 112, HIS 121, HIS 122 

Prerequisite(s): Eligible for ENG 111.

3 credits

Arts/Humanities Elective (choose 2):   6-8 credits

ART 101 - History of Art: Prehistoric to Gothic Additional Course Options: ART 102, ART 180, ART 203, CST 132, CST 151, CST 160, PHT 150, PHT 151, FRE 101, FRE 102, FRE 201, FRE 202, SPA 101, SPA 102, SPA 201, SPA 202  3 credits

Theatre/Musical Workshop   1 credit

  • CST 136 Theatre/Musical Workshop is to be taken three times for a total of 3 credits. See notes below for more information. 

Technical Track Elective (choose 1 from the appropriate Track listed below):

CST 195 - Portfolio and Career Preparation 1 credit

Costume Track - (choose 2)

Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes
ART 223 - Life Drawing 3 credits
ART 101 - History of Art: Prehistoric to Gothic or ART 102  3 credits
ART 132 - Three-Dimensional Design 3 credits
CST 100 - Principles of Public Speaking 3 credits

Lighting Track (choose 2)

Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes
ART 101 - History of Art: Prehistoric to Gothic or ART 102  3 credits
CST 100 - Principles of Public Speaking 3 credits
ELE 123 - Electrical Applications I and SAF 130  2 credits

Stage Management Track (choose 2)

Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes
CST 111 - Voice and Diction I Additional Course Options: CST 100. 3 credits
CST 253 - Production and Stage Management 3 credits

Scenic Track (choose 2)

Course NameCredits:Semester TakenNotes
CST 100 - Principles of Public Speaking 3 credits
ART 241 - Painting I

Prerequisite(s): ART 122 or divisional approval.

3 credits
ART 132 - Three-Dimensional Design 3 credits
WEL 120 - Introduction to Welding and SAF 130 

Prerequisite(s): Pre- or Co-requisites: SAF 130, WEL 150 (or MAC 181).

2 credits

Total Minimum Credits to Complete: 60-61


Pre-requisite and co-requisite requirements can be found in course details.

Students are strongly encouraged to complete their ENG, MTH, and SDV requirements first.

Students should regularly meet with their faculty advisor and check their degree progress by accessing advisement reports in the Student Information System (SIS) in the myBrightpoint portal or the Academic Planner in Navigate.

General education and major degree requirements will vary by institution and by program. Students must meet with their faculty advisor to determine the best choices for transfer. Please note that some course options will have prerequisites. Some four-year programs require a foreign language.

Students transferring to programs that require a foreign language should enroll in the highest-level foreign language course for which they are prepared. Heritage or conversationally fluent speakers may enroll directly into 102. Please check with your advisor to determine the best option(s) for course substitution or if you wish to take a foreign language other than Spanish or French.

CST 136 - Theatre/Musical Workshop focuses on the major Fall or Spring production. Because each production is unique and provides requisite experience/portfolio material, students may take the course more than once for credit.  Course sections are designated as performance or technical sections.  
