Total Minimum Credits to Complete: 61
1Science students must complete 9 math credits. Students may choose from the following math courses: MTH 161, MTH 162, MTH 167, MTH 245, MTH 263, MTH 264, and MTH 265. Please note that students cannot receive credit for both MTH 167 and MTH 161/MTH 162. Students intending to transfer to VCU must take MTH 161 and MTH 162 to receive credit for the VCU Precalculus course. MTH 263 and MTH 264 are recommended for chemistry and physics majors. Biology majors should consult with their intended transfer institution and their advisor to choose the most appropriate math courses.
2PHY 201 /PHY 202 is recommended for Biology or Chemistry majors and PHY 241 /PHY 242 is recommended for Physics majors. Other lab science courses may be used to satisfy this requirement. Please see your advisor to discuss this further.
3Students must complete either the General Biology sequence or Advanced Math. The following courses will count for the Advanced Math requirement: MTH 263, MTH 264, MTH 265. MTH 263, MTH 264, MTH 265 is preferred for chemistry and Physics majors. BIO 101 and BIO 102 is preferred for Biology, Biochemistry , and Environmental Science majors. Pre-med students should meet with their advisor to determine the best course option.
4Students who have not satisfied the foreign language requirement at their intended transfer institution should consider taking foreign language for this course requirement.
5Students who are interested in pursuing a career in science education should take EDU 200 for this course. Students should consult with their advisor and/or transfer institution to determine the most appropriate course.