Total Credits For Program: 65-71
1Math Course Electives: EGR majors are required to complete MTH 263 Calculus I, MTH 264 Calculus II, MTH 267 Ordinary Differential Equations, and at least one of MTH 265 Calculus III and MTH 266 Linear Algebra, as best fits their intended major and transfer university. Students should start taking MTH classes their first semester, with the highest level class for which they are prepared. Please see Math Electives List below for prerequisite information. Please see your EGR faculty advisor.
2EGR Course Electives: Students earn an AS in Engineering by taking EGR 120 , EGR 126 , plus 15 credits from the Engineering Electives List. Please see EGR Electives List below. Specific sets of courses are designed for specific majors at transfer universities; taking different sets of courses may require additional coursework at the university. Please see your faculty advisor.
3Course Details: EGR 248 may be taken out of numerical order with EGR 245 and EGR 246 . EGR 270 may be taken out of numerical order with EGR 251/EGR 255 and EGR 261 /EGR 263 . EGR 251 and EGR 255 must be taken together. EGR 261 and EGR 263 must be taken together. EGR 270 may not be offered every semester. EGR course offerings are very limited in the summer session. Additional courses can be counted as an EGR Elective for majors such as Biomedical EGR, Chemical EGR, and Computer Science – these courses require a waiver. MTH 265, MTH 266, and MTH 267 may be taken in any order. VCCS accepts AP scores of 3 or higher, and CLEP; universities may not accept a score of 3 for transfer credit. Please see your EGR faculty advisor.
4Foreign Language: Students who did not complete foreign language in high school and need it for their university program may substitute SPA 101 or FRE 101 for CST 100 only. Please see your faculty advisor.