Oct 04, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook

Academic Policies

Student Classification

  • Curricular student: a student who has satisfied all college admission requirements and has been admitted to a degree or certificate program.
  • Non-curricular student: a student who is not formally admitted to one of the curricula but who is classified according to one of the following student goals or conditions:
    - updating employment skills for present job or developing skills for new job
    - career exploration
    - personal satisfaction and general knowledge or transient student
    - non-degree transfer student
    - high school student (with college approval only) or general or curricular requirements pending (with college approval only)

Student Status & Academic Load

  • Full-time: a student enrolled in courses totaling 12 or more credit hours.
  • Part-time: a student enrolled in courses totaling less than 12 credit hours.

The maximum full-time load is 18 credits in the fall and spring and 13 credits in the summer. Students wishing to carry an academic load of more than the maximum load ordinarily should have a minimum grade point average of 3.5 and the approval of the vice president of academic affairs or designee.

The maximum number of credits a student may take within each separate session depends on the session length. The maximum credit limit per session is outlined in the table below.

Maximum Credit Hours per Session

15-Week Session


10-Week Session


7-Week or

8-Week Session

5-Week Session

Mini Session

18 credits

13 credits

9 credits

7 credits

6 credits

Within any one semester, students may enroll in courses across multiple sessions. However, the total number of credits taken across all sessions must not exceed the semester maximum student load. For instance, the total number of credits for a fall or spring semester cannot be more than 18 without permission from the vice president.

Note: Credits earned during a mini session are not calculated as part of the semester maximum student load.

Repeating and Auditing Courses

Repeating a Course

Normally, a student is limited to two enrollments in the same credit course. Students may request permission to repeat a course beyond two attempts by completing the online Request to Repeat Form. If you have any questions regarding the form or your request, please contact academics@brightpoint.edu.

Credit for Repeated Courses

Effective Fall 2021, only the highest grade is used in computing GPA. Prior to Fall 2021, only the most recent grade was used if the course had been repeated. All other previous attempts are denoted with the message “Repeated Course” on the student’s transcripts and are removed from the GPA calculation that is reflected in the current cumulative GPA. Four-year institutions and programs requiring admission at Brightpoint, such as Nursing and Funeral Services, may use all courses completed as part of the selection criteria.

Auditing a Course

A student desiring to attend a class without receiving credit for the course may do so by registering to audit that class. A student who is auditing a course is subject to all of the attendance requirements of the class. Although recommended, per VCCS policy, auditing students do not have to meet course prerequisites. The instructor of such a course is required to provide a student auditing the course with the same level of instructional services as students who are enrolled for credit. Only by the mutual consent of both the student and the instructor may the attendance and academic requirements of the class be modified for the auditing student. For students not meeting a prerequisite for the audited course the faculty member is not expected to teach material that should have been attained in an earlier class.

Permission of the appropriate academic dean or designee is required to audit a course. After receiving the dean’s written permission, a student desiring to audit a class must register in person or email admissionsandrecords@brightpoint.edu and pay the applicable tuition. Audited courses carry no credit and do not count as part of a student’s course load.

A student desiring to change status in a class from audit to credit must do so within the add period for the course. A change from credit to audit must be made by the last day of the drop period. Financial aid students should consult with the Financial Aid office before changing their status from credit to audit. Students enrolled in an SSDL course must follow the appropriate Virginia Community College institution’s audit rules.

Students who are auditing a course must appear in person or send an email to the Admissions and Records office at admissionsandrecords@brightpoint.edu should they wish to drop or withdraw before the deadlines. Students will receive error messages and cannot drop or withdraw from an audited course via myBrightpoint portal.

Credit for Prior Learning

Students may seek advancement by (1) transferring credits earned at other accredited colleges or universities; (2) receiving credit for courses and training completed in the military, criminal justice academies, technology certification programs and health services certification programs; (3) taking and achieving acceptable scores on standardized tests and examinations, including the ETS Advanced Placement Examinations, CLEP, DANTES and the International Baccalaureate; (4) submitting documentation for life experiences deemed equivalent to college courses; and (5) passing locally designed and administered tests (credit-by- examination). To be eligible to apply for advanced credit, a student must be admitted to the college and officially placed in a curriculum and enrolled. Read the credit for prior learning policy at http://www.brightpoint.edu/admissions/transferring-credits-to-brightpoint/.

Students can find out more about how credit for prior learning may transfer into their major at Brightpoint by going to the Credits2Careers Portal (https://www.credits2careers.org/). 

Waiver of Course Requirements

Students may petition their academic advisor and division dean for the waiver of required courses in their major. If required courses are waived, other courses must be substituted in the official program to meet the specified credit-hour requirement. Veterans may be approved to waive the physical education courses upon presentation of the DD214 discharge form.

Academic Standing

Good Standing

Students are considered to be “in good academic standing” if they do not fall under one of the below categories. Colleges will determine appropriate actions and resources for students receiving an academic warning as well as those placed on academic probation and suspension. A student on academic warning or academic probation, who is eligible to re-enroll, may be considered eligible to receive financial aid assistance or other benefits requiring a “good” academic standing status.

Academic Warning

Students who fail to attain a minimum GPA of 2.0 for any semester shall be placed on academic warning and are at risk of incurring regative academic standings in subsequent terms. The statement “Academic Warning” shall be placed on their permanent records but shall not be placed on the students’ offical transcripts. Academic warning is not an official standing.

Academic Probation

Students who fail to maintain a cumulative GPA of 1.50 shall be on academic probation until such time as their cumulative average is 1.75 or better. The statement “Academic Probation” shall be placed on their permanent records but shall not be placed on the students’ official transcripts.  Students are notified via their VCCS email accounts when placed on probation. Instructions on how to seek removal of the hold placed on the account to prevent further enrollment is provided within the email. Students may be required to carry less than a normal load the following semester and are encouraged to consult with their advisors. Students shall be placed on probation only after they have attempted 12 semester credits.

Academic Suspension

Students on academic probation who fail to attain a semester GPA of 1.50 or better shall be placed on suspension only after they have attempted 24 semester credits. Academic suspension shall be for one semester. The statement “Academic Suspension” shall be placed on their permanent records but shall not be placed on the students’ official transcripts. Students who are placed on academic suspension and wish to appeal should follow the appeal process established by the college. Suspended students may be reinstated at the conclusion of the suspension period by following the process established by the college. Students who have been reinstated from academic suspension must achieve a 2.0 GPA for the semester of their reinstatement and must earn at least a 1.75 GPA in each subsequent semester of attendance. The statement “Subject to Dismissal” shall be placed on their permanent records. Students who have been reinstated from academic suspension will remain subject to dismissal until their cumulative GPA is raised to a minimum of 1.75. Reinstated students may be required to carry less than a normal course load the following semester and are required to consult with their advisors.

Academic Dismissal

Students who do not attain at least a 2.0 GPA for the semester of reinstatement following academic suspension shall be academically dismissed. Students who achieve at least a 2.0 GPA for the semester of their reinstatement following academic suspension must earn at least a 1.75 GPA in each subsequent semester of enrollment. Failure to attain a 1.75 GPA in each subsequent semester until the cumulative GPA reaches 1.75 shall result in academic dismissal. The statement “Academic Dismissal” shall be placed on their permanent records. Academic dismissal is normally permanent. In exceptional circumstances, students may appeal and be reinstated following processes established by the college. Students who have been reinstated after academic dismissal will remain subject to dismissal until their cumulative GPA is raised to a minimum of 1.75. Reinstated students may be required to carry less than a normal course load the following semester and are required to consult with their advisors. Colleges are encouraged to make additional academic support available to students who have been reinstated following academic dismissal.

Satisfactory Progress

Students pursuing any credit programs are cautioned that, although a grade point average (GPA) between 1.50 and 1.99 may not result in formal academic probation, a minimum GPA of 2.0 in their curriculum is a prerequisite to the receipt of an associate degree, certificate, or career studies certificate.

Academic Renewal

Students returning to Brightpoint Community College after an absence of a minimum of five years may wish to take advantage of academic renewal in order to improve their cumulative GPA. To be eligible, a student must be currently enrolled at the college, have a period of at least five years (60 months) between enrollments, and have earned a minimum GPA of 2.5 in the first 12 college-level credits (or more) after returning to Brightpoint. If approved, all grades of “D” or “F” earned prior to returning to the college will not be factored into the cumulative GPA calculation, but courses and grades will remain listed on the transcript. For additional information about academic renewal, please contact the Admissions and Records office at admissionsandrecords@brightpoint.edu.

Academic Honors

Honors List

A student who has completed 24 college credit hours at Brightpoint Community College and has achieved a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 will be placed on the honors list.

Dean’s List

A full-time student (12 or more college credits, exclusive of developmental credits) who achieves a semester grade point average of 3.2 or higher will be placed on the dean’s list.

Graduation Honors

Students who have earned a minimum of 30 credit hours or 50 percent of the degree/certificate requirements at Brightpoint Community College are eligible for graduation honors as follows, given the GPAs provided:

3.8 Summa Cum Laude
3.5 Magna Cum Laude
3.2 Cum Laude

Student Records

Student Records and Academic Transcripts

The Admissions and Records office manages student academic records. Records are retained in accordance with VCCS policy. An academic transcript is the official and permanent record of a student’s academic history. Brightpoint Community College permanently retains each student’s academic transcript.

Correction of Education Records

Students have the right to have records corrected that they believe are inaccurate, misleading or in violation of their privacy rights. Contact the Admissions and Records office for information on the procedures for correction of records. Students may appeal a course grade by following the policy guidelines listed in the Student Handbook.

Directory Information

All student records are protected under the 1974 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), as amended. FERPA does allow institutions to release, without prior consent from the student, information which is considered “directory” information. The Virginia Community College System has defined student directory information as a student’s name, dates of attendance, major field of study, course credit load, expected or actual date of graduation, and any degrees, honors, and awards received. A student who does not want this information to be released can place a FERPA block on his/her account through myBrightpoint. Questions regarding FERPA should be directed to the College registrar or assistant registrar.

Educational Programs

Types of Programs

  • College Transfer Program
    College transfer programs include college freshman and sophomore courses in general studies, liberal arts, business administration, engineering and other disciplines, meeting standards acceptable for transfer to baccalaureate degree programs at four-year colleges and universities. Students who complete these programs are awarded the Associate of Arts (A.A.), Associate of Fine Arts (A.F.A.), or the Associate of Science (A.S.) degree. These degrees include a core of at least fifteen semester hours of general education courses.
  • Career and Technical Programs
    The occupational and technical educational programs are designed to meet the increasing demand for technicians, semi-professional workers and skilled workers for employment in industry, business, the professions, and government. The curricula are planned primarily to provide workers for the region being served by Brightpoint Community College. Some degrees do provide transfer opportunities to selected four-year colleges and universities.

- Associate of Applied Arts and Associate of Applied Science Degrees
The Associate of Applied Arts (AAA) and Associate of Applied Science degrees are awarded to students majoring in one of the occupational-technical curricula whose primary goal usually is to obtain full-time employment immediately upon graduation from the college, although a substantial number of students in certain AAA and AAS degree programs transfer to four- year colleges and universities. All of the AAA and AAS degrees include a core of at least 15 semester hours of general education courses.

- Certificate
The certificate (C) is awarded to students who complete an approved, curriculum of at least 30 credits but less than 59 credits.

- Career Studies Certificate
The career studies certificate (CSC) is awarded to students who complete an approved curriculum with between 9 and 29 credits. Note for CSC programs only: Financial aid may be available for CSCs that have at least 16 total credit hours.

- Industry Certification
Within some of our majors, students have the opportunity to earn an industry certification. Instructors will provide students with information about how and where relevant certification tests are conducted. Most industry certifications have a financial cost which is the student’s responsibility. Certification costs are not covered by financial aid.

  • Foundational Education
    Foundational (or developmental and support courses) are offered to prepare individuals for the successful completion of Brightpoint Community College courses and curricula. These courses are designed to assist the individual with the development of the basic skills and knowledge necessary in reading, writing and mathematics to succeed in academic programs.


Grading System

The quality of performance in any academic course is reported by a letter grade, the assignment of which is the responsibility of the instructor. There is no designated grading scale at the college. Faculty develop the grading scale for each course.

The following grade options are applicable only in the case of college credit courses:

A Excellent. 4 quality points per credit.
B Good. 3 quality points per credit.
C Average. 2 quality points per credit.
D Poor. 1 quality point per credit.
F Failure. 0 quality points per credit.
I Incomplete. No credit. An incomplete grade may be given when a student has been unable to complete a course because of an emergency situation. The time and condition of removal of the grade is a matter of contract between the student and the instructor. Generally, a grade of “I” will not be awarded unless at least 60% of the coursework has been satisfactorily completed and the remainder of the work can be completed within the following semester.
P No grade point credit/noncredit courses. This is used in specialized courses and seminars at the discretion of Brightpoint Community College.
W Grade assigned when a withdrawal form is received in the Admissions and Records office during the first 60 percent of the course. (After this period of time, a “W” may be assigned by an instructor with the approval of the dean if there are mitigating circumstances; documentation must be placed in the student’s academic file.)
X Audit. No credit.
XY Senior Citizen Audit/No Credit.
The following grade options are applicable only in the case of foundational (or developmental and support) courses:
S No grade point credit. This is used only for satisfactory computation of the Developmental Studies Courses (numbered 1-99).
U Unsatisfactory. The student did not make satisfactory progress in the course. The grade of W, as described above, also applies.

Grade Point Average

The grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the number of quality grade points earned in courses by the total number of credits attempted. (Developmental credits are not included in this computation.) An overall GPA including all courses completed is computed each semester. See the previous section for repeated course grade point averaging. Grade points are computed by multiplying the number of credits completed by the points for the grades earned. For example, for BIO 102-01 (4 credits), the student earned a B grade (3 points) = 12 grade points.

Grade Reports

Reports of final grades are available to students online at the end of each semester via the myBrightpoint portal. Students are responsible for viewing their grades at the end of each term. The grade point average (GPA) for the semester is determined by dividing the number of quality points earned for the semester by the total number of credits attempted. The cumulative grade point average is determined by dividing the total number of quality points earned at Brightpoint Community College by the total number of credits attempted at the college. Courses for which P, S, and U grades are awarded (courses numbered 1-99) are not included in the total number of credits attempted and are not computed in the grade point averages. If there is reason to believe that a grade is incorrect, the instructor should be contacted as soon as possible.

On-Campus Student Information

Student Identification Cards

Student IDs can be picked up from the Office of Student Activities during normal business hours. There is no charge for a student ID. Student IDs may be required to attend certain student activities on campus. If you have questions about getting a student ID, please email success@brightpoint.edu.


Adequate parking is provided for students. Parking decals are required for all students and may be obtained from Campus Security.

Parking is available to handicapped individuals whose vehicles display the appropriate state issued permits. Applications for Fuel Efficient parking permits should be made through Campus Security.

Parking is enforced by Campus Security and violations in designated handicapped, fire lanes or in staff/faculty parking spaces will be subject to citations.

Unscheduled Closings

When severe weather or emergencies (snow, ice, power failures) require a change in the college’s schedule, notification will be made on the college web site (www.brightpoint.edu), through Brightpoint Alert (www.brightpoint.edu/Brightpointalert), on the college’s Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/brightpointccva/) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/brightpointccva) pages, through college email, and through announcements by local radio and television stations. Information also may be obtained by calling the college information number, 804-796-4000. In the absence of any announcement, the college is open.

Students are expected to exercise judgment when hazardous conditions exist in their own areas. If a student must miss a class for any reason, the instructor should be contacted as soon as possible and arrangements made for appropriate make-up work.

Cellular Phones

The unauthorized use of cell phones in classrooms and prohibited areas is a violation of the student conduct code.  Please see Student Conduct   in the Student Handbook for additional information. 

Bulletin Boards

Bulletin boards designated for student use are provided in all the college buildings. Approval for posting is granted by the student activities coordinator. Commercial notices or solicitations are generally not permitted. Printed material may remain posted only for a specified time.  College personnel is responsible for posting and removing all items on bulletin boards. Materials may not be posted to walls, glass surfaces, doors or parked vehicles.

Lost & Found

At the Chester and Midlothian campuses, items that are found should be turned over to Campus Security. Efforts will be made to locate the owner, and students should report to Campus Security to reclaim lost articles.

Campus Maps

Directions to both campuses can be found on the Locations page of the college website. 

Student Lounges

Student lounges are located on both the Chester and Midlothian campuses. On the Chester Campus, the lounge is located in the Nicholas Student Center; on the Midlothian Campus, the lounge is located in Hamel Hall, Room H106. All students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the community standards of a postsecondary public academic institution. The Student Conduct  policy by which all students are expected to comply may be found in the Student Handbook.

Eating and Drinking in Classrooms

Students are not permitted to eat or drink in any laboratories at the institution. These include all computer labs, science labs, CAD labs, industrial labs, and engineering labs. Signs are posted on the doors of all rooms and facilities in which eating and drinking are forbidden. Students are asked to exercise great care and adhere to appropriate classroom decorum when consuming food and beverages in permissible classrooms at the institution.

Minors on Campus

The college is not responsible for visiting minors who are left unattended. Accordingly, all parents and accompanying adults should be aware of the following policy:

Brightpoint Community College disclaims any responsibility for injury to visiting minors when the injury may have been prevented by appropriate parental supervision. In order to protect both visitors and the college, the following are in effect:

  • Persons under age 18 who are enrolled students at Brightpoint Community College may use the appropriate and authorized college facilities without being supervised by a parent or an accompanying adult.
  • Persons under age 18 who are not enrolled students at Brightpoint Community College may use the appropriate and authorized college facilities only when supervised by a parent or an accompanying adult.
  • Parents and accompanying adults are requested to make appropriate arrangements for the supervision of minors, particularly small children, to avoid the disruption of college activities and potential injury to the child. Specifically, minor children should not be brought into classrooms during instructional periods or the testing centers at any time.
  • No children will be allowed in the buildings during normal closed hours during the week or on weekends.