Oct 06, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook

Academic Dishonesty

Academic Dishonesty Defined

Students are expected to conduct themselves in an honorable manner in all of their academic work. All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at the college. Cheating on quizzes, tests, and examinations, unauthorized cooperation between students, unauthorized help from others, plagiarism, and the unauthorized use of software, databases, or expert advice that is contrary to the instructions of the professor are acts of academic dishonesty. Uploading course materials to commercial websites (such as Course Hero, Chegg, etc.) are acts of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism is defined as the act of using another source’s words, ideas, or intellectual property without properly giving credit to and/or citing that source. Plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional, with each instance being treated equally, regardless of intent. Also, using the same paper or assignment in subsequent courses, unless approved by the faculty member, is considered a form of academic dishonesty (self-plagiarism).  

Nursing students should consult the Nursing Handbook for additional information pertaining to academic dishonesty. Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic and Emergency Medical Technician students should consult the college Emergency Medical Services Student Handbook for additional information pertaining to academic dishonesty. 

Addressing Allegations of Academic Dishonesty

When a faculty member believes a student engaged in an act of academic dishonesty, the faculty member will decide whether to impose an informal or formal disciplinary action. If the disciplinary action is informal, the faculty member will notify the student of the allegation via the student’s Virginia Community College System (VCCS) email account, Canvas inbox, or verbally with a written follow up after the discussion. The faculty member may require the student to repeat, resubmit, or complete an alternate form of the item(s) or assignment in question but will not deduct points. It will be considered a teachable moment. The faculty member will not report the allegation to the Dean of Students Office. The faculty member will maintain the documentation related to the allegation. A student with a complaint about an informal warning may utilize the Student Grievance Policy and Procedure to seek redress.  

If the faculty member chooses to take a formal disciplinary action, the faculty member will notify the student of the allegation and the formal disciplinary action being taken via the student’s VCCS email account, Canvas Inbox, or verbally with a written follow up after the discussion. The faculty member will forward documentation related to the allegation to the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students or designee will send a letter to the student’s VCCS email account, with a copy to the faculty member, indicating that a report was received from the faculty member and additional disciplinary action taken by the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students or designee may impose a written admonition, suspension or dismissal as the additional disciplinary action. A student with a complaint about a formal warning, the disciplinary action taken by the faculty member and/or the Dean of Students or designee may submit an appeal to the Dean of Students or designee. The Dean of Students or designee will forward the appeal to the Academic Integrity Committee (AIC). The AIC will hear the student’s appeal and determine whether to affirm, reduce or dismiss the disciplinary sanctions taken by the faculty member and/or the Dean of Students or designee.  

Disciplinary Actions

Faculty members must administer one of the following disciplinary actions if a student is found to have committed an act of academic dishonesty:

  1. An informal warning: A verbal or written statement to the student that the student has committed an act of academic dishonesty that is prohibited at the institution and may result in more severe disciplinary action should the student be found to have engaged in any subsequent act of academic dishonesty. The faculty member will not penalize the student’s grade on the assignment. A report will not be submitted to the Dean of Students or designee. The faculty member will be responsible for maintaining their own documentation related to an informal warning. 
  2. A formal disciplinary action and the requirement that the student repeat or re-submit an equivalent quiz, test, examination, exercise or assignment in question. The identical quiz, test, examination, exercise or assignment may not be given. A report will be submitted to the Dean of Students or designee. 
  3. A formal disciplinary action and the assignment of the grade of “F” (numeric grade of zero) on the quiz, test, examination, exercise, or assignment in question. A report will be submitted to the Dean of Students or designee. 
  4. A formal disciplinary action and administrative withdrawal from the course, after the appeals process has been exhausted, when a student’s act of academic dishonesty results in the inability to successfully meet the learning outcomes. A report will be submitted to the Dean of Students or designee.  
  5. A formal disciplinary action and an assignment of the grade of “F” for the course and removal from the course after the appeals process has been exhausted. A report will be submitted to the Dean of Students or designee.  

Reporting Acts of Academic Dishonesty to the Dean of Students or Designee

A faculty member must provide the Dean of Students or designee and the Academic Dean or designee with a written report of any formal disciplinary action taken in response to an act of academic dishonesty within seven (7) business days (a business day is defined as a Monday-Friday when the college is open) of the administration of disciplinary action. The faculty report to the Dean of Students or designee must be completed utilizing the electronic reporting form located at https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?BrightpointCC&layout_id=4. The report must include the name of the accused student, the course number and class section number, the student’s EMPLID, the nature of the offense, and the specific disciplinary action taken. The report must also include all supportive documentation. 

Disciplinary Actions that May be Taken by the Dean of Students or Designee

All reports of academic dishonesty will be reviewed by the Dean of Students or designee. The Dean of Students or designee may assign a disciplinary action including but not limited to: placing a letter of admonition in the student file, suspending the student from the institution for a period of time not to exceed one year, and/or dismissing the student from the college. The student will be notified by the Dean of Students or designee in writing of any action within ten (10) business days of the faculty member’s report. Any student suspended or dismissed will have a statement of the action included on the academic record. In addition, a student who is suspended or dismissed will be withdrawn from all future coursework in which the student is enrolled, after the appeals process has been exhausted, exclusive of the course in which an “F” may have been assigned as part of disciplinary action. The student may be allowed to complete the semester in which they are currently enrolled.  

Appeals to the Academic Integrity Committee

A student who has been found to have committed an act of academic dishonesty by a faculty member may appeal the sanction(s) to the Academic Integrity Committee.  All appeals must be received within ten (10) business days of the imposition of the sanction by the faculty member or within ten (10) business days of the receipt of the formal notification (letter) from the Dean of Students or designee. Students who appeal will be afforded the opportunity of a hearing. 

The Academic Integrity Committee

The Academic Integrity Committee is appointed annually and consists of eleven members of the faculty (teaching, professional or administrative). At least four members of the committee will join the chair in considering a specific appeal.   

Appeals Hearings

1.  A student who has made an appeal will receive a written or electronic notification from the chair of the Academic Integrity Committee of the time, place, and date of the hearing at least five (5) business days before the hearing. The student may elect not to appear at a hearing, but the hearing will be held in the student’s absence. If a student elects not to appear at the hearing, the student may submit a statement to the committee chair at least 48 hours prior to the hearing. Hearings will be closed to the public. 

2.  No tape recorder or other recording devices may be present or utilized during the hearing. The student will be given an opportunity to speak at the hearing and to present witnesses on the student’s behalf.

3.  The student may be accompanied by another individual at the hearing, but this person may not participate in the hearing. If the student wishes to be accompanied by another individual at the hearing, a request must be submitted to the chair of the committee no less than 48 hours prior to the hearing. 

4.  The faculty member and/or Dean of Students or designee will be given an opportunity to speak at the hearing and to present witnesses. 

5.  The involved faculty member should cooperate with the committee in furtherance of the hearing, including, but not limited to, attendance at the hearing, responsive answers to questions at the hearing, and production of all supporting documentation, if so requested by the committee. 

6.  The committee may request the appearance of and question witnesses. The student may direct questions to such witnesses, the faculty member and the Dean of Students or designee through the chair of the committee. 

7.  The faculty member may direct questions to the student, witnesses and/or the Dean of Students or designee through the chair of the committee. The committee will affirm, reduce or dismiss the decision of the faculty member or the Dean of Students or designee. The student will receive written notification of the committee’s decision from the Dean of Students or designee within fifteen (15) business days of the conclusion of the hearing with a copy to the involved faculty member and the appropriate Academic Dean or designee 

8.  Committee decisions are made by majority vote. In case of a tie, the Dean of Students or designee will serve as the tie breaker.  

Appeals to the Vice President of Academic Affairs

A student may appeal the decision of the Academic Integrity Committee in writing to the Vice President of Academic Affairs or designee within ten (10) business days of the notification of the committee’s decision. The Vice President or designee will review the entire academic dishonesty proceeding and provide the student with a written notification of the findings and decision within ten (10) business days of the receipt of the appeal. The decision of the Vice President or designee is final. 

Records of Academic Dishonesty Actions and Appeals

All records of academic dishonesty actions and appeals will not be available to unauthorized persons without the express written permission of the student, court subpoena or other exceptions made under the conditions specified in the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended.