Oct 06, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook

Pollution Prevention - Environmental Management Policy


To establish a policy for pollution prevention and environmental management

Policy 10.18 Pollution Prevention-Environmental Management


VEES - Virginia Energy Conservation and Environmental Standards


The college will comply with all Executive Orders and State and Federal regulatory requirements regarding pollution prevention and environmental management issues. All employees, students, visitors, contractors, and other third parties have the responsibility of not discharging any pollutants.

Section 10.1-1425.6 of the Code of Virginia (SB 287) specifies that the Department of Waste Management will serve as the lead agency for the Commonwealth’s recycling efforts, but that each agency will implement the actual procedures. Toward this goal, the college will seek to maximize collection of waste products for disposal at certified recycling centers. Such recyclables as office paper, newspaper, cardboard, glass, aluminum, used motor oil, scrap metal, plastic, bi-metal cans, arboreal waste (grass, leaves, etc.), used vehicle tires, batteries, anti-freeze and other material will be disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.

When recycling is not practical, the college will act to minimize the amount of waste material generated through concerted waste reduction activities. Wherever practical, the college will make efforts to procure products made partially or fully of recycled raw materials.

The college will comply with the Virginia Energy Conservation and Environmental Standards (VEES) for all construction, renovation and operation of its facilities.

No college employee, student, visitor, or contractor shall throw, drain, or otherwise discharge, or allow others under its control to throw, drain, or otherwise discharge into the college’s storm water drainage system any pollutants or waters containing any pollutants, other than storm water.


In the event of a suspected illicit discharge, do NOT touch or attempt to clean up the substance and immediately notify the college Security Services.

Security Services Contact Information for Reporting Illicit Discharges:

1. Chester Campus 804-796-4025

2. Midlothian Campus 804-897-6678