Feb 08, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog & Student Handbook 
2021-2022 Catalog & Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Apply for Admission

Admission Information


Any person who has a high school diploma from an accredited high school or the equivalent certificate (GED), or who is at least 18 years of age and able to benefit from instruction at John Tyler Community College, may be admitted to the college. High school students and home-schooled students interested in admission at the institution should refer to the subsequent sections addressing the enrollment of these populations. John Tyler Community College reserves the right to evaluate and document special cases and to refuse admission if the college determines that the applicant is a threat or a potential danger to the college community or if such refusal is considered to be in the best interest of the college.

Ability-to-Benefit Academically

Persons 18 years of age and older who do not have high school diplomas or the equivalents may be admitted if they can benefit from college study as demonstrated by placing at the ENF 1 or higher level on the VPT English Test and the Module 1 or higher level on the VPT Mathematics Test. Such students are not eligible for federal financial assistance.

Application and Admission to the College

New Students

All students planning to take courses at John Tyler Community College must apply for admission. Whenever possible, individuals are encouraged to apply online. The College does not charge an application fee. Please direct all inquiries concerning applications to the Admissions and Records office at either the Chester Campus or the Midlothian Campus, or e-mail admissionsandrecords@jtcc.edu.

Returning Students

Returning students who have not been enrolled in credit courses at the college during the past three years must reapply by resubmitting an application for admission prior to registration. Please direct all inquiries concerning applications to the Admissions and Records office at either campus, or e-mail admissionsandrecords@jtcc.edu. Students who applied but did not enroll within three semesters of application are required to reapply.  

Admission to Individual Courses (Non-curricular Students)

Students who do not intend to declare a major at Tyler may enroll in courses. Students may enroll in courses when the pre-requisites have been met. Pre-requisites are part of the course information at www.jtcc.edu/schedule. Not all courses have pre-requisites.

Admission Limits

When enrollment must be limited for any curriculum, first priority will be given to all qualified students who reside within the College’s service region. Such students must meet established program deadlines and requirements. The priority list is as follows:

  1. Residents of the cities and counties within the College’s service region;
  2. Other Virginia residents; and
  3. Out-of-state students.

Special Admission Procedures

Transfer Students

Transfer students should submit an Application for Admission.  If they plan to request transfer credit or if submission of transcripts is required by their program of study, students should have transcripts from all previous institutions attended sent to the Admissions and Records office. Some programs do not require transcript submission. An official evaluation of transfer courses will be completed by the John Tyler Community College (JTCC) Registrar or Assistant Registrar of Admissions and Records once the student is placed in a curriculum, enrolls in courses, and completes a Transfer Credit Request Form.

In general, JTCC does not have age limits on courses.  But there are exceptions, particularly when the course is part of the major field of study. For example, some applied and/or technical programs (i.e. nursing, information technology, etc.) may have specific age limits on courses taken more than five years ago.

If a specific course has an expiration date within a major at JTCC, it will be stated in the notes section of the curriculum sheet for that major.

For students intending to transfer, the length of time since a course was taken may be a factor in its acceptance by the intended transfer institution, even if the course was accepted by JTCC for its degree requirements.

In general, transfer credits are awarded only if the credits have been earned at an institution which is accredited by one of the six nationally recognized regional accrediting agencies in the United States. Transfer credits may be awarded from non-regionally accredited institutions with the approval of the appropriate academic dean. Students  requesting transfer credits from non-regionally accredited institutions must submit course syllabi and course descriptions for review by the appropriate academic dean. Upon the approval of the dean, transfer credits will be awarded consistent with JTCC policies addressing the acceptance of transfer credits from regionally accredited institutions. John Tyler Community College also normally awards transfer credits for courses completed at accredited foreign institutions. Students transferring from foreign institutions should contact the Admissions and Records office at either campus for additional information. JTCC reserves the right to accept or reject credit recommendations that are noted on foreign credential evaluations.

Usually a transfer student who is eligible to re-enroll at the last college of attendance will be eligible for admission to John Tyler Community College.

  • If a transfer student is academically dismissed from a previous college, the student must appeal for admission to John Tyler Community College’s Academic Status Committee by submitting a letter to the Dean of Students (deanofstudents@jtcc.edu) at least four weeks prior to the desired semester of admission. 
  • If a transfer student is suspended or dismissed for other than academic reasons, the student must be considered for admission by the Threat Assessment Team by submitting a letter to the Dean of Students (deanofstudents@jtcc.edu) at least four weeks prior to the desired semester of admission.

Dual Enrollment of High School Students

Dual enrollment courses allow a student to simultaneously earn college and high school credit while present on their high school campus. The courses are taught at the college level by high school instructors who meet the College’s academic requirements and are offered according to the school district’s calendar and schedule. 

Dual enrollment is primarily for high school juniors and seniors who meet the college admissions criteria. Because admitting high school sophomores is considered exceptional, the college-ready status of each prospective sophomore student will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Formal approval from the college is required for admitting sophomores. All individuals admitted as dual enrollment students must demonstrate readiness for college by tests or by meeting other entrance standards as set by the Virginia Community College System. School counseling staff identify prospective students and manage the selection and admissions process. Course options vary at each school. Generally, textbooks are provided without cost to students and course fees are charged to the school district at the end of each semester. Parents may be expected to reimburse the school district for course fees prior to or after the start of the school year.

Ten school districts in John Tyler Community College’s service region have offered dual enrollment courses and they include Amelia, Charles City, Chesterfield, Colonial Heights, Dinwiddie, Hopewell, Petersburg, Prince George, Surry and Sussex. Dual enrollment courses provide an excellent opportunity for high school students to get a head start on college. For additional information about dual enrollment, contact the Dual Enrollment Coordinator at dualenrollment@jtcc.edu.

Enrollment of Students under the Age of 18 - Concurrent Enrollment

Individuals 18 years of age and younger who have not completed high school may seek to enroll to take classes at John Tyler Community College. They must satisfy the admission requirements expected of all students, including the completion of tests which demonstrates the ability to benefit.  These include taking one of the following:  College placement tests, PSAT, SAT, or ACT and obtaining scores at or above the scores listed in the placement test scores section of the catalog.  Students must also provide the institution with letters of permission to enroll from their principals or designees, as well as letters from their parents or guardians.  These permission letters must be uploaded to the Concurrent Enrollment Form. 

Concurrent enrollment is primarily for high school juniors and seniors. Because admitting freshmen and sophomores is considered exceptional, the college-ready status of each prospective freshman and sophomore student will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Formal approval is required for admitting freshmen and sophomores. All individuals admitted as concurrent enrollment students must demonstrate readiness for college by achieving satisfactory scores on college placement tests or by meeting other entrance standards as set by the college.

Home-schooled Students

Home-schooled students may enroll at John Tyler Community College. These students must satisfy the admission requirements expected of all students, including the completion of placement tests, PSAT, SAT, or ACT scores with cut-off scores at or above the scores listed in the placement test scores section of the catalog, as well as provide the institution with documentation indicating authorization from the responsible jurisdiction permitting the student to engage in home schooling. The parents of home-schooled students also must provide the institution with written permission to enroll their children.  These permission letters must be uploaded to the Concurrent Enrollment Form. 

Enrollment is primarily for home-schooled students studying at the high school junior or senior levels. Because admitting freshmen and sophomores is considered exceptional, the college-ready status of each prospective freshman and sophomore student will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Formal approval is required for admitting freshmen and sophomores. All individuals admitted must demonstrate readiness for college by achieving satisfactory scores on college placement tests or by meeting other entrance standards as set by the college.  

An individual who has completed home schooling and certifies that he or she has the equivalent of a high school diploma may apply and enroll at the institution in the same manner as a high school graduate or recipient of a GED.  

International Students

John Tyler Community College welcomes students from around the world and offers comprehensive admission assistance, immigration advising and support services to all non-citizens and English as a second language (ESL) applicants.  

All visa holders seeking admission must present their original I-94 and any other required documentation to the Admissions and Records office prior to the beginning of the semester in which they wish to enroll. Copies cannot be accepted. 

Information for international students seeking an F-1 Visa can be found on the International Students page on the college website or by emailing IntlStudentServices@jtcc.edu.

Senior Citizens – Citizens 60 Years of Age or Older

Senior citizens are encouraged to take advantage of free tuition provided for by the Senior Citizens Higher Education Act of 1974. Senior citizens, who are Virginia residents and who had a taxable individual income not exceeding $23,850 for Virginia income tax purposes for the year preceding enrollment, may register for credit courses on a tuition-free basis. All senior citizens, regardless of income, may audit credit courses and take some non-credit courses free of charge. Senior citizens waiving tuition can enroll on the first day of their selected class only if there is space available. Those who wish to reserve space in any credit or noncredit class can register and pay as regular students. However, senior citizens will not be allowed to pay for a course to secure a space with the intention of dropping and re-enrolling using the tuition waiver. Students who are auditing courses and who wish to drop or withdraw before the deadlines must appear in person or e-mail admissionsandrecords@jtcc.edu to make the request. Students cannot drop or withdraw from audited courses online. Additional information about special enrollment opportunities for senior citizens may be obtained from the Admissions and Records office.

Out-of-State Compliance Policy

The college has entered into a regional reciprocity agreement through NC-SARA to accept out-of-state students (except for students residing in California) in our online programs and courses. Students may contact the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) at 804-225-2600 or communications@schev.edu for information related to state agency contacts for complaint resolution. General disclosure information about external certification or licensure requirements outside the state of Virginia may be found on the NC-SARA page of the college website. 

Admission of Suspended and Dismissed Students

Students who have been academically suspended from John Tyler Community College may re-enroll after serving a one-semester suspension. Students who have been academically suspended from any other institution of higher education may enroll after submitting their transcript or a copy of their letter of suspension to the Advising Center. Academically dismissed students from John Tyler or any other institution are not normally admitted to the institution. Academically dismissed students, may petition the Academic Status Committee by submitting their request for exception to this policy to the Dean of Students (deanofstudents@jtcc.edu). All petitions must be submitted in writing at least four weeks prior to the first day of classes for the semester in which admission is sought. Students dismissed or suspended for disciplinary or non-academic reasons may petition the Threat Assessment Team for an exception to this policy by submitting their requests to the Dean of Students (deanofstudents@jtcc.edu). All petitions must be submitted in writing at least four weeks prior to the first day of classes for the semester in which admission is sought.

Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry Admissions Policy

Section 23-2:2:1 of the Code of Virginia requires that the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) send enrollment information to the Virginia State Police concerning applicants to institutions of higher education. This information is transmitted electronically and compared against the Virginia Criminal Information Network and National Crime Information Center Convicted Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry.

If the College receives notification, the following procedures apply:

  1. The College’s Threat Assessment Team (TAT) shall be notified and consider the applicant or student’s enrollment for a determination of whether he/she is a threat to the campus community or danger to themselves, other students, faculty or staff (i.e., campus community). The Dean of Students reserves the right to suspend the individual or withhold the application on an interim basis while TAT considers the case.
  2. Before a recommendation is made by the TAT to the Dean of Students, the TAT will notify the applicant or student in writing that they will be afforded an opportunity to appear in person before TAT or present relevant information in writing regarding their sex offender or crimes against minors status for consideration of whether he/she is a threat or danger to the campus community. Upon receipt of such notice, the applicant or student shall have five business days to contact the Dean of Students Office and arrange a meeting to appear before TAT or provide a written response. At a minimum, the applicant or student shall provide the following information:
    1. Disclosure of the nature of the offense for which he/she has been convicted;
    2. Justification for consideration of admissions/reinstatement;

If the applicant or student does not respond within the requested timeframe, the Dean of Students Office shall inform him/her that the TAT meeting will proceed.

  1. The TAT shall make a determination of whether a threat or danger exists and recommend to the Dean of Students whether to deny admission or revoke enrollment.
  2. The Dean of Students Office shall notify the applicant or student in writing of the TAT’s recommendation and afford him/her with an opportunity to respond in writing within five (5) business days.
  3. The Dean of Students Office shall forward the TAT recommendation and any response(s) received from the applicant or student to the vice president of learning and student success (or designee) who may consult with TAT and shall issue a final decision in writing regarding admission or enrollment.
  4. The College will provide the campus community through its catalog or web site information on how to access the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry consistent with state and federal law.


New Student Orientation

Tyler’s orientation program is designed to give new students and their family members a comprehensive introduction to life at the college. Campus and Zoom orientation sessions are held throughout the summer and prior to the spring semester. New Student Orientation is mandatory for students entering Tyler.  An online orientation is available year-round for those students who cannot make it to campus. To register for your campus or online orientation go www.jtcc.edu/orientation.  

SDV 100 – College Success Skills Course

All degree-seeking and some certificate students are required to complete SDV 100 (or SDV 101 or SDV 108) – College Success Skills, a one-credit orientation course designed to provide entering students with important information about the College, its policies and services. The course consists of two major parts: 1) an overview of college programs, services, policies and procedures, and 2) personal development seminars. Because of the importance of the information presented, students are strongly encouraged to complete an SDV course during their first semester of attendance and preferably within the first 15 credits. Note: SDV 100 is different from New Student Orientation which is mandatory for all students.  

Academic Advising and Declaring a Major

Advising Center

Professional counselors and academic/career advisors are available at both campuses to assist students with educational decisions and career planning. The Advising Center handles declaring a major with students. If students require assistance beyond the scope of the services of advisors, the JTCC Care Team may assist the student by connecting them with internal and external resources.  The Advising Center staff is committed to helping students and prospective students learn how to develop career and life plans and to deal effectively with career and life transitions. Since there is no single correct way for everyone to deal with such decisions, a variety of developmental services and programs are offered; including assistance with academic and career development. These programs are designed to help students learn how to make better career and life planning decisions, refine study skills necessary for college success, assist with college transfer, and build leadership skills.  

Declaring a Major

To receive financial aid and to graduate from John Tyler Community College (JTCC), you must be enrolled in a major at the college. If you know what you want to major in, simply select your chosen major when you apply online for admission.  If you need assistance choosing your major, or you wish to change your major, contact the Advising Center to discuss your future plans and JTCC majors.  

Chester Advising Center – Moyar Hall, M107  
Midlothian Advising Center – T Building, T115  
Visit the Declare a Major page on the college website at https://jtcc.edu/academics/declaring-a-major/.  

Students applying for Funeral Services or Emergency Medical Services must provide the college with official copies of transcripts from high school and all colleges and universities previously attended.  

Students must provide the college with official copies of transcripts from all colleges and universities previously attended only if any of the following are applicable:  

  1. The student has been suspended or dismissed from another college or university; and/or 

  1. The student is requesting a transcript review for transfer credits from a college outside the VCCS.  

Math and English Course Placement

To determine your placement in college-level math and English courses, you should schedule an appointment with the Advising Center. The following information may assist your advisor with placing you:  

  • An unofficial transcript showing prior college coursework in math and/or English   

  • PSAT, SAT, or ACT scores  

  • Demonstration of completion of required high school coursework, along with your GPA, within the last 5 years  

Transcript(s) or score(s) can also be emailed to admissionsandrecords@jtcc.edu. Staff will review your materials and post any exemptions in SIS within 48 hours.  

John Tyler advisors work closely with students to award credit and offer placement into college-level courses through a variety of measures.    

  •  Students who graduated high school 6 years or more ago must work closely with an advisor to determine appropriate placement based on prior college coursework and other measures.   
  •  Students who have graduated high school within 5 years may qualify for direct placement based on the tables provided below. Don’t worry if you do not meet any of the placement measures in the tables below!  The Advising Center will work with you to get you placed into courses that are appropriate for you and your goals.    

Math Placement


Math Placement Measure  

HSGPA / Score Range / Course Outcome  

Highest Course for Which Student is Eligible  

HSGPA & Algebra II + One Additional Algebra Intensive Course*  

3.0 or higher  

MTH 161  

HSGPA & Algebra II + One Additional Algebra Intensive Course*  

2.5 – 2.9  

MTH 161 + MCR 6  

HSGPA & Algebra II + One Additional Algebra Intensive Course*  

2.0 or higher &  

PASSED Algebra II + Additional Algebra Intensive Course   

MTH 161 + MCR 6  

HSGPA & Algebra II  

3.0 or higher  

MTH 154  

HSGPA & Algebra II  

2.5 – 2.9  

MTH 154 + MCR 4  

HSGPA & Algebra II  

2.0 or higher &  

PASSED Algebra II  

MTH 154 + MCR 4  

HSGPA & Algebra I  

3.0 or higher  

MTH 111, MTH 130  

MTH 154 + MCR 4  

SAT – Math  

530 or above  

MTH 161  

SAT – Math  

510 – 520 range  

MTH 154  

ACT – Subject Area Test Math  

22 or above  

MTH 161  

ACT – Subject Area Test Math  

19 – 21 range  

MTH 154  

GED – Math  

165 or above  

MTH 154  

GED – Math  

155 – 164 range  

MTH 111, MTH 130,   

MTH 154 + MCR 4  

TASC – Math  

560 or above  

MTH 154  

TASC – Math  

530 – 559 range  

MTH 154 + MCR 4  

*Algebra Intensive Courses above Algebra II: Trigonometry, Math Analysis, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Algebra III

English Placement

English Placement Measure  

HSGPA / Score Range / Course Outcome  

Highest Course for Which Student is Eligible  

High School GPA   

3.0 or above  

ENG 111  

2.7 - 2.9  

ENF 3/ENG 111  

(Evidence-Based Reading and Writing)  

480 or above  

ENG 111  

460 - 470 range  

ENF 3/ ENG 111  

SAT – Critical Reading (Verbal) and  
Writing (Pre-March 2016)  

500 or above (on both sections)  


ENG 111  

ACT-Subject Area Tests: English and Reading  

18 or above (on each test)  

ENG 111  

15 - 17 range (on each test)  

ENF 3/ ENG 111  

GED-English (RLA-Reading through Language Arts)  

165 or above  

ENG 111  

TASC – Language Arts Writing + Essay  

Language Arts Writing: 560 + Essay score of at least 6/8  

ENG 111  

Language Arts Writing: 530 - 559 + Essay score of at least 4/8  

ENF 3/ ENG 111  

Language Arts Writing: 500 – 529 + Essay score of at least 2/8  

ENF 2  

 Additional Placement Information

  1. A student who has completed a college-level mathematics and/or English course at an accredited institution with a grade of “C” or better may enroll in the subsequent math and/or English course. Students who have not completed a math and/or English course within the last year are strongly encouraged to meet with an advisor to ensure readiness for the subsequent course.  

  1. Any student who has earned an associate degree or higher or who has earned a C or better in college level courses in math and/or English at a regionally accredited institution may be able to place directly, provided they meet the prerequisites for the respective courses in their chosen program of study.  

  2. Any student who has successfully completed developmental math and/or English courses at a VCCS institution will be able to place directly into subsequent courses. Any student who has successfully completed developmental courses at a non-VCCS institution will have their coursework evaluated for placement.    
  3. A student may submit a high school/home school transcript or an approved test score for placement evaluation. Seniors who have not yet graduated may submit a transcript as of the completion of the first semester of the senior year to determine readiness for placement into college level courses for the purpose of early admission.  

  1. Students transferring from foreign institutions should contact the Office of International Student Services before pursuing evaluation of their international transcripts.  Before class registration, new or transfer immigrant international students must bring original copies of all required documentation regarding their status in the United States to the Office of International Student Services or the Admissions and Records Office. Copies cannot be accepted.    

  2. Students have the option to take a placement test in order to improve their placement standing after other measures are considered. Such placement test scores will not be used to place a student in a lower math and/or English course than indicated by other criteria, unless the student desires a lower placement.    

  3. High school GPA (HSGPA) is valid for five (5) years after the date of high school graduation. SAT, ACT and GED Test scores are valid for five (5) years after the date of the test.   

  1. Placement test scores are valid for five (5) years after the date of the test. Students who take a placement test and who do not enroll in developmental English and/or math are allowed to take one (1) re-test within twelve (12) months.     

  2. Previously taken developmental courses will be valid for five (5) years after the term taken.  Students who begin a developmental English and/or math course sequence are expected to complete the course sequence and will be ineligible for a re-test.    

  3. All current high school students (dual enrollment in the high school, concurrent, and home-schooled students) must meet VCCS admission standards as outlined below:    

  • Students planning to take transfer courses must test into ENG 111 and MTE 1; while those planning to take non-transfer (CTE) courses must test into ENF 1 and MTE 1. Developmental classes are not available to dual enrollment or home-schooled students. Students should apply to the College prior to taking placement tests.  

  • Dual enrollment and home-schooled students who provide official evidence of a satisfactory mathematics score of 500 on the PSAT, a mathematics score of 520 on the SAT (before March 2016) or 530 (since March 2016) or a mathematics score of 22 on the ACT, taken within the last two (2) years, are exempt from taking the VCCS mathematics placement test.  

  • Dual enrollment and home-schooled students who provide official evidence of a minimum score of 390 on the reading and writing sections of the PSAT or 500 on both the critical reading and writing sections of the SAT (before March 2016) or 480 on the reading and writing (since March 2016), or a minimum score of 18 on both the English Test and Reading Test of the ACT, taken within the last two (2) years, are exempt from taking the VCCS English placement test.  

  • High school students to include dual enrollment in the high school, concurrent, and home-schooled students are not allowed to enroll in English or math developmental courses.  

  • Students must adhere to the results of their placement tests with the following exceptions:  

If a student believes his/her Virginia Placement Test (VPT) scores were not an accurate reflection of his/her current competencies, the student may petition the Associate Dean of the Advising Center (or designee) via e-mail and request a re-test. The student must provide a justification for the re-test. The Associate Dean will respond to the request via e-mail within five (5) business days. If the request is granted, the student must take the approval email to the Testing Center. If the request is denied, the student cannot make any further appeal.