Transferring to Other Institutions
Coursework in the AA, AFA, and AS degree programs (majors) at Brightpoint Community College will transfer to most four-year colleges and universities. Some four-year schools will accept certain AAS and AAA degree programs in transfer, but this policy will vary by institution. Normally, courses in which students have earned grades below a “C” are not accepted at other institutions. The advising center staff is available to help students planning to transfer with gathering information and reviewing alternatives. Each student, however, is responsible for becoming acquainted with the course requirements for an intended major at a transfer institution and for planning a major at Brightpoint that meets the four-year institution’s transfer requirements. Working with their academic advisor, students can receive beneficial advice about transfer options in their desired major.
Guaranteed admissions agreements allow Brightpoint students who graduate with an associate degree and who meet specific criteria to seamlessly transfer to more than 35 four-year colleges. Information about these transfer agreements may be found at Students who have questions about the transferability of certain courses also may find the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) Transfer Tool helpful. This tool provides information on the transferability of more than 60 commonly offered VCCS courses. A link to this tool may be found at
The Passport and Uniform Certificate of General Studies (UCGS) are 16 and 30-32 credit hour programs in which all courses are transferable and shall satisfy lower-division general education requirements at public institutions of higher education in Virginia. The Passport (16 credits) is a component of the UCGS (30-32 credits).
Students transfer through many different pathways; the Passport and UCGS are two mechanisms according to which transfer opportunities are maximized for students. The goal of both the Passport and UCGS is to maximize credit acceptance and application toward general education requirements for students transferring prior to earning a transfer associate degree. The Passport and UCGS offer a large number of courses to optimize the student’s educational experience and increase the opportunity for students to earn the Passport or UCGS while also preparing for their program of study. You will find Passport and UCGS course designations in the course description.
The Passport and UCGS do not guarantee students admission into an institution.

Transfer Virginia is a statewide initiative established to provide transparency and access throughout the college transfer process. The Transfer Virginia Portal ( is a website that offers students opportunities to research, plan and organize their transfer journey using information and resources available within the portal from Virginia’s institutions. Features include estimating credits for work completed, a search for courses and programs, career exploration, and ways to connect with colleges and universities within the Commonwealth.
The Office of Admissions and Records is the repository of all student academic records. Records are retained in accordance with VCCS policy. An academic transcript is the official and permanent record of a student’s academic history. Brightpoint Community College permanently retains each student’s academic transcript.
Students may request official copies of their transcripts either online, in person, or by mail. Online requests are made at Parchment charges a fee of $3.00 for each transcript sent electronically and $5.50 for each transcript sent via the U.S. Postal Service. In person and mail-in requests are handled by the Admissions and Records office. Transcripts are mailed within 7 business days of the receipt of the request.
Unofficial transcripts are not available online to students who have not attended Brightpoint within the past three years. Students who have outstanding financial obligations from previous semesters with the Brightpoint Community College business office, Bookstore, or Library or have outstanding financial obligations for parking violations are not permitted to register for classes or obtain transcripts until their accounts have been paid in full.
The college often hosts visiting four-year institutions on campus. The transfer institution representatives may provide materials and one-on-one advising to students. Students are generally informed of these visits through posters, e-boards around campus, and by email from the Student Activities Office.
Old Dominion University Information
Brightpoint Community College serves as a host for Old Dominion University’s (ODU) distance learning program. This immersive online program enables students to earn undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees from a fully-accredited university without leaving their area of residence. Students can complete the first two years of coursework through the Virginia Community College System, and then finish the remaining required coursework for one of several undergraduate degrees through ODU’s distance learning program. Courses are offered in either a synchronous (live) web-based conferencing or asynchronous online formats depending on the class. Brightpoint students and graduates also have the opportunity to transfer to ODU’s main campus in Norfolk, VA.
Students interested in ODU admission or course registration should contact ODU Online at (800) 968-2638 or to speak to an enrollment coach. The site office at Brightpoint Community College is located on the Chester Campus in Goyne Hall.