Feb 08, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog & Student Handbook 
2022-2023 Catalog & Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Register for Classes


Class Registration

Registration involves reserving a space in the class(es) selected and paying tuition. Information on the dates and location of registration can be found on the college website under Register for Classes. Allowance is made for late registration, but a student may not enroll in a course after the last day to add without approval from the appropriate division office. Students who have outstanding financial obligations from previous semesters with the Brightpoint Community College Business Office, Bookstore, or Library or have outstanding financial obligations for parking violations or owe any college within the Virginia Community College System the amount of equal to or above $500 are not permitted to register for classes until their accounts have been paid in full.

Dropping a Course

Students may drop a course with a full refund only during the first 15 percent of the course.  Drop w/refund dates are published in the academic calendar and in course syllabi. Students who never attend a class or have a last date of attendance for the course prior to the drop date will be administratively removed from the course, and NO REFUND will be given. Students are responsible for dropping courses by posted deadlines. 

Withdrawing from a Course

Students may withdraw from a course without academic penalty during the first 60 percent of the course.

Withdrawing cannot be done online.  It must be done through the Office of Admissions and Records either in person or by emailing admissionsandrecords@brightpoint.edu with a VCCS email account on or prior to the posted last day to withdraw without academic penalty for that course. The student will receive a grade of “W” for withdrawal. After the deadline to withdraw, the student will receive the grade earned at the end of the course. (In the case of mitigating circumstances documented by the instructor and approved by the dean, a grade of “W” may be awarded after the 60% deadline.) Administrative withdrawals may be initiated by an instructor in the event of excessive absences on the part of the student. Students should refer to the syllabus. In addition, an instructor may recommend withdrawal if it is believed a student is experiencing undue academic difficulty.  Students on financial aid are strongly encouraged to meet with a financial aid counselor before withdrawing from any class, as it may result in significant financial burden on the student. It is the student’s responsibility to understand the consequences for not withdrawing. Students are responsible for reviewing final course grades in their myBrightpoint account at the end of the academic term. Per VCCS policy, the college may not expunge a student’s course enrollment after the last day to drop with a refund.

Passport and Uniform Certificate of General Studies (UCGS) Courses

Passport and Uniform Certificate of General Studies (UCGS) courses are transferable and satisfy lower-division general education requirements at public institutions of higher education in Virginia. The Passport and UCGS offer a large number of courses to optimize the student’s educational experience while also preparing for their program of study. You will find Passport and UCGS course designations in the course description.

Instructional Modes

Brightpoint Community College offers a wide variety of instructional modes to provide students with flexibility in scheduling their courses.   

  • Face-to-Face Classes (course section number begins with a C for Chester or M for Midlothian): 

Traditional, in-person classes that provide a face-to-face learning experience and meet at a regularly scheduled time and place. These classes may be located on either the Chester or Midlothian campus.     

  • Asynchronous Classes  (course section number begins with A):

Classes have no scheduled Zoom or on-campus meetings. Reliable internet access is required to complete course activities and assignments. Students will access course material using Canvas, and it will be made available on or before the first day of the class session. Regular weekly assignments with established due dates are provided in Canvas. (See section below on Expected Engagement Per Week for Distance Learning.)

  • Synchronous Classes (course section number that begins with Z):

Classes meet on specific days and times via Zoom. Your instructor will facilitate live online lectures and discussions. Attendance via Zoom is a required component of the course. Students may attend class from anywhere using a computer or mobile device. Reliable internet access and a Zoom-capable device are required.    

  • Hybrid Classes  (course section number begins with CA for Chester/Asynch or MA for Midlothian/Asynch):

Classes require in-person meetings at either the Chester or Midlothian campus on the specified days and times. Due to shortened in-person meetings, students must complete some required activities outside of class. Regular weekly assignments with established due dates are provided in Canvas. Reliable internet access is required.  

  • Bimodal Classes (course section number begins with CZ for Chester/Zoom or MZ for Midlothian/Zoom):

Classes offer in-person meetings on either the Chester or Midlothian campus and synchronous meetings via Zoom. Students are required to attend classes on-campus or synchronously via Zoom on the specified days and times. Students may switch between these attendance options throughout the semester. Reliable internet access and a Zoom-capable device are required for synchronous instruction.  

  • Hyflex Classes (denoted in the Class Notes section):

Classes offer students the choice of meeting in-person, in synchronous meetings via Zoom, or attending asynchronously and completing all coursework and assignments on Canvas. Students may switch between these attendance options throughout the semester. Reliable internet access and a Zoom-capable device are required for synchronous and asynchronous instruction. 

Brightpoint Community College instructors use the Canvas learning management system (LMS), to create educational and collaborative content and to interact with students beyond the traditional classroom.

Canvas is a fairly intuitive system, and typically the information provided by your instructors will be more than enough on how to navigate your courses. However, if you are unfamiliar with using an LMS, or if you would simply like to know more about how Canvas works, please get started by taking a look at the Canvas Guides for Students. Canvas is accessed through the myBrightpoint student portal.

For assistance with Canvas, please visit the Help Hub.  

Should you have a request specific to Canvas outside of the Help Hub’s regular business hours, feel free to contact Canvas directly:

Expected Engagement Per Week for Asynchronous Distance Learning 
Based upon a 15-week Semester Schedule

Course Length

1 Credit

2 Credits

3 Credits

4 Credits


9-12 hrs/week

17-25 hrs/week

25-39 hrs/week

34-52 hrs/week


6-10 hrs week

12-18 hrs/week

18-27 hrs week

24-36 hrs/week


4-6 hrs/week

8-12 hrs/week

11-17 hrs/week

15-23 hrs/week


3-5 hrs/week

6-9 hrs/week

9-14 hrs/week

12-18 hrs/week


3-4 hrs/week

5-8 hrs/week

8-12 hrs/week

10-15 hrs/week


2-3 hrs/week

4-6 hrs/week

6-9 hrs/week

8-12 hrs/week

**based on an average of 2-3 hours per week, per credit hour over a 15-week semester

SSDL Classes

The college also offers asynchronous online courses through Shared Services Distance Learning (SSDL). SSDL courses are offered in partnership with Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC) and other participating colleges within the Virginia Community College System (VCCS). These courses allow students to enroll and earn credits from their home college while taking an online course with an instructor from another college within the VCCS. Brightpoint SSDL students have access to resources such as tutoring, testing, and library from the community college providing the course as well as all student resources at Brightpoint. Students enrolled in SSDL courses will receive a letter from NVCC and an invitation to participate in an online orientation, and a Brightpoint liaison provides support during the semester. SSDL courses follow the academic calendar of the college providing the SSDL course. Please review course notes for start and end dates.   

Test Proctoring

Asynchronous courses may require proctored tests or activities.  Required proctored assessments can be completed at the Brightpoint Testing Centers located on both campuses, testing sites at other VCCS colleges, or any approved site outside of the state of Virginia. Brightpoint offers access to online proctoring that allows students to complete computer-based exams in the comfort of their own home. A reliable internet connection, webcam, and other technical requirements are necessary. Students are observed via a remote connection to the student’s machine to view computer and student activity. The use of this tool is offered at the discretion of each instructor and may not be available in all courses.