Feb 08, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog & Student Handbook 
2022-2023 Catalog & Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Campus Safety


Campus Safety and Security

Freedom and Responsibility

Brightpoint Community College affords you considerable freedom to develop or redefine your lifestyle. You are encouraged to get your own schedule, develop new friendships, and manage the complexities of home, classroom, and work. Faculty, staff and other students provide a support network, but ultimately you must make your own decisions. With this freedom comes increased responsibility for your coursework, your co-curricular involvements, and the security of you and your fellow students.

Security at Brightpoint Community College is the shared responsibility of students, faculty, and staff. Our institution has an excellent record of safety and security, but the campus will remain safe only if we take our responsibilities to ourselves and others seriously.

Being Safe around Campus

You can help maintain safety for everyone at Brightpoint by following some simple common sense tips:

  • Walk with a friend when you leave evening classes. If a companion is unavailable, stay in lighted areas and be aware of who is in your general vicinity and what is going on around you. If you feel uncomfortable or notice something that is unusual, ask one of the security officers to escort you to your car.
  • Know the people who offer you rides or invite you to visit them off campus.
  • Be aware and concerned about the use and abuse of alcohol or other drugs. Violent acts occur more often when people are under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. The college complies with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act in specifically discouraging violations of alcohol and drug laws. Please refer to the College policies on the Use of Alcohol and Other Drugs in the Student Handbook for additional information on these matters.
  • Remember that violence is an unacceptable means to conflict resolution. Student Services personnel are always ready to help you and other students find effective, non-violent ways to resolve disagreements.
  • Take advantage of information programs offered by Campus Security and the Dean of Students office.
  • Discussions on security awareness and crime prevention, substance abuse, sexual harassment, and victims’ rights are addressed in special programs and in student orientation classes. This type of information could make a difference for you or a friend in a crisis.
  • Pay attention to campus-wide memos and classroom announcements that concern a potential threat to your security. Such proclamations fortunately are rare, but they may contain information crucial to your safety.
  • Remember that the campus is accessible by foot from any direction at any time. While the nearby off-campus areas may appear relatively secure and safe, threats can arise from people and circumstances at any time and any place.

Emergency Quick Reference

In the Event of an Emergency

Call 911, or call the appropriate security number below. Note: If you call 911, you must still report the incident to College Security Services. You may also contact College Security Services by using one of the emergency call boxes located in each building on the Chester and Midlothian campuses.

College Security Information

If using a campus phone, dial 9 first to get an outside line. NOTE: If your call is not immediately answered, do not hang up. The security officer may be handling other calls or may be away from the desk. If he/she is away from the desk, your call will forward to the cell phone carried by the officer.

  • Chester Campus
    Phone: 804-796-4025
    Desk locations: Discovery Hall - Lobby; Moyar Hall - 1st floor (beside M101); Beacon Hall (B136); Nicholas Center - inside main entrance; Goyne Hall - 1st floor lobby
  • Midlothian Campus
    Phone: 804-897-6678
    Desk locations: Administration Bldg. - Atrium; Eliades Hall - 2nd floor (next to E215); Hamel Hall - 1st floor (near H109); Trailblazer Hall - 1st floor (near stairway)

Power Outage and Telephone Use

If an emergency occurs that causes a power outage, campus phones may not operate. In such case, if you need to report emergency information, the following locations have phones that will work:

  • Chester - Nicholas Student Center Hall Security Desk
  • Midlothian - Administration Building Security Desk

Emergency Notification

Brightpoint Community College uses the following tools to notify employees, students and the public of an emergency situation: Brightpoint Alert, fire alarms, public address system, email, employee voicemail, indoor security call boxes, electronic bulletin boards, web site (www.brightpoint.edu), security staff, area emergency coordinators, Facebook, Twitter and media outlets.

Brightpoint Alert

Brightpoint Alert is one of the notification tools the college will use to alert students, faculty, and staff of an emergency situation and of closings and delays due to inclement weather. Brightpoint Alert allows the college to send urgent text messages and emails to those who are registered in the system. This is a voluntary system, so if you would like to receive these messages, you must register at www.brightpoint.edu/brightpointalert. You may register multiple devices - such as cell phones and smart phones - as well as email addresses. There is no fee to register for Brightpoint Alert, but your carrier may charge fees for receiving messages on your wireless device. If you need technical assistance, please email brightpointalert@brightpoint.edu.

Evacuation of Building(s)

If a fire alarm sounds or you are ordered to evacuate by security, leave the building by the nearest marked exit (noted on the evacuation maps posted in each room). Do not use elevators. Unless otherwise instructed, you should proceed to the following locations:

Chester Campus

- Beacon Hall -  Parking Lot A
- Facilities - Parking Lot H
- Discovery Hall - Parking Lot C
- Goyne Hall - Parking Lot A
- Moyar Hall - Parking Lot F

- Nicholas Student Center - Parking Lot I

Midlothian Campus

- Administration Building - Parking Lot C
- Eliades Hall - Parking Lot A
- Facilities - Parking lot next to Facilities building
- Hamel Hall - Parking Lot D
- Trailblazer Hall - Parking Lot C

Severe Weather/Tornado Warnings

In the case of severe weather, you may be instructed to proceed to the college’s severe weather shelters. Go to the shelter closest to where you are at the time of the warning.

Chester Campus

- Facilities - Moyar Hall, M114
- Discovery Hall - G125, G128
- Goyne Hall - Godwin Hall G130
- Moyar Hall - M122, M130, M134, M136, 1st floor hallways near M110/M114 and M132/M134

- Nicolas Student Center -  N102
- Moyar Hall M122, M130, M132, M134, M136, 1st floor hallways near M110/M114 and M132/M134

Midlothian Campus
- Administration Building - B115b
- Eliades Hall - E113, E115, E117
- Facilities - Restrooms
- Hamel Hall - H105, H107, H109
- Trailblazer Hall - T112 (Black Box Theatre)


If an earthquake occurs, immediately take the following steps:

  • If you are indoors:
    - Drop to the ground
    - Take cover by getting under a sturdy desk or table
    - Hold on until the shaking stops
  • If you are outdoors, move quickly away from buildings, utility poles and other structures.
  • If you are in an automobile, stop in the safest place available, preferably away from power lines and trees, and stay in your vehicle for shelter.

After the earthquake stops, college personnel will examine Brightpoint’s facilities to determine if evacuations are needed.


Certain emergency situations may require the college to go on lockdown. If a lockdown is issued, you must remain in your office or classroom and lock or barricade all doors and windows. You must remain in place until an all clear is given by the incident commander or authorized college personnel.


In the case of a fire, follow these steps as you evacuate the building:

  • If it can be done safely, close all windows and internal doors.
  • If you are in an area filled with smoke, drop to the floor, and keep your head no more than 8 - 12 inches off the floor.
  • Before opening any door, feel it for heat. Do not open doors that are hot.
  • Do not use elevators.

Bomb Threat or Suspicious Device/Package Found

If you find a suspicious device/package, do not attempt to pick up the device/package. Do NOT sound the fire alarm, use 2-way radios, or use cell phones as they may trigger an explosive device. Evacuate the immediate area, and report the device to the nearest security officer. Should you receive a phoned-in bomb threat, try to get as much information as possible from the caller, and immediately report the call to Security Services.

Hazardous Spill

In the event of a hazardous or suspected hazardous spill, secure the area, notify the nearest college faculty or staff member, who will then report the incident to Security Services.

Suspicious/Disruptive Person on Campus

If you have reason to believe that a person at a Tyler facility may represent a potential danger to himself/herself or others, or if you have concerns about a person or his/her behavior, please report your concerns to the Threat Assessment Team (TAT). An incident report form may be found on the TAT website or found by clicking on this link. If the threat is immediate, call 911 or College Security Services.

Active Shooter

If an active shooter is in your vicinity, quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect your life.

  • Evacuate the area if possible
    - Have an escape route and plan in mind before attempting to evacuate
    - Leave your belongings behind
    - Keep your hands visible
  • If it is too dangerous to leave the area, hide.
    - Do not remain in an open hallway or area
    - Hide in an area out of the shooter’s view
    - Block entry to your hiding place by barricading and/or locking the doors
    - Silence your cell phone
  • Take action as a last resort and only if your life is in imminent danger.
    - Attempt to incapacitate the shooter
    - Act with physical aggression and throw items at the active shooter
  • Call 911 when it is safe to do so.

Please note, the previous information cannot cover every possible situation that might occur.

Automated External Defibrillator Locations

  • Chester Campus
- Facilities 
- Discovery Hall - Outside restrooms
- Goyne Hall - Outside A101
- Moyar Hall - Behind security desk (1st floor), outside M216 (2nd floor)
- Nicholas Student Center - Outside N113, N106, N150, N168, and reception area
  • Midlothian Campus
- Facilities 
- Administration Building - Behind security desk (1st floor), next to stairwell (2nd floor)
- Eliades Hall - Outside E117 (1st floor), outside E217 (2nd floor), outside E321 (3rd floor)
- Hamel Hall - Outside H110 (1st floor), outside H206 (2nd floor), outside H320 (3rd floor)
- Trailblazer Hall - Behind security desk (1st floor), 1st floor Fitness Center, next to elevators 2nd floor and next to elevators 3rd floor

First Aid Kits

  • Chester Campus
- Facilities
- Discovery Hall - Security Desk
- Goyne Hall - Security Desk
- Moyar Hall - Security Desk (1st floor), Security Desk (2nd floor)
- Nicholas Student Center - Security Desk in lobby, security office in N147
  • Midlothian Campus
- Administration Building - Security Desk (1st floor)
- Eliades Hall - Security Desk (2nd floor)

Key People to Contact

  • Security Staff
    - Chester Campus: 804-796-4025
    - Midlothian Campus: 804-897-6678
    - Security Manager - Barry Allen: ballen@brightpoint.edu
  • Chesterfield County Police Department
    - Emergency: 911
    - Non-Emergency: 804-748-1251